Question 5700xt Half Powering?

Jan 24, 2021
So new build, first time builder. Specs:
Cougar Gemini S case, Auros Master x570 mobo, ryzen 5 5600x, sapphire nitro+ 5700xt, bequiet 850w platinum power supply, fryzen deepcool assassin cpu cooler, 6x enermax t.b. fans.

The problem:
when I boot my new build everything powers on except for the gpu. The fans on the gpu spin so it receives power, but no lights(rgb) and no display on monitor. Mobo displays debug 62

My tests:
  1. I put the 5700xt in my older system(b450 mobo, ryzen 5 1600, 650w silver psu) and it works fine!
  2. I put my old gpu(rx580) in my new computer build(same top pcie slot), and it also works fine!

I know my bios is up to date(has to be to run 5600x cpu). Amd chipset drivers up to date as well. I'm pretty noob so maybe it's something I'm not seeing, but I'm stumped so any help is appreciated.
Temporarily put the gpu in the second slot. The first slot is cpu pcie dedicated lanes and many times doesn't recognize the card as being there. The second slot is shared pcie lanes with usually storage through a chipset, not the cpu, so should ring up true. Once it's all in bios as an active gpu you should be able to swap back.

Doesn't always work, but does for a lot of ppl.
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Alas, no avail. Something else I noticed. When my 5700xt is plugged in, the top 2 case fans(only fans plugged into a corsair fan controller) will spin on boot but stop seconds later. The rest of the fans directly plugged to mobo work fine and consistently.