6 to 8 pin or new psu?

Sep 12, 2018
So... noe day i tried to turn on my computer, then the power went out.
After blowing 5 fuses I figured that it was my power supply.
So since I wanted a new psu fast. I bought one from a friend, but when I tried plugging it in to my pc I noticed that it didn’t have enough cables.
The psu is a “Hiper 530 watt ”.
I need two 8 pin connectors, one for my GPU and one for my CPU.
The psu only has one 8 pin.

I have been looking around on The internet but I can find out what to do.

Some people say “use a 6 to 8 pin adaptor it works great” and some people say “if you use an adaptor like that your pc is a ticking time Bomb” so I really have no clue. Plz help

NO you cannot use an adaptor for the CPU power cable.

Also if that goes it could take everything else with it.

Also there is no such thing as a "Radeon CPU", its maybe an FX or an A-Series? Or something older?

Buy a new PSU.
yep, I will try to get a new psu...
OMG, look at those ports.... I won't risk it.


DO NOT use adapters. Buy a new PSU.

Whats your budget and where are you located? Also whats your system specs?
I have got:
A gtx 1060,
8gb of Corsair ram,
A pretty bad Radeon cpu,
A 250 gb ssd,
A 500 Gb hard disk,
The dredded psu and 3 fans.

I was thinking I could use an adaptor on my cpu because I don’t really care if it breaks

NO you cannot use an adaptor for the CPU power cable.

Also if that goes it could take everything else with it.

Also there is no such thing as a "Radeon CPU", its maybe an FX or an A-Series? Or something older?

Buy a new PSU.