Thxs meggawattz2000... i will try that memory... Corsair is usually good for that. Pinoyako, if you system is stable i think you should worry too much. Why dont you try to overclock?
coz my idle and load temps arent low enough
🙁 even with AS-5 i still get up to 65c TAT meaning if i OC this then i might get to 70ish temps which isnt good..
one big LOLS i received a tube of AS-5 from a friend, and he also suggested lapping the HSF to a mirror finish..and so i did, and instead of the first mistake i did when applying HSF by speading it (well actually another friend applied it for me as im not familiar with reseating HSFs) i (and this time its 100% me) followed the guide as suggested on the AS-5 website, i also lapped the HSF to an almost mirror finish
so time to reinstall the HSF to the board and as ive read, its better to do it while outside the case to see if the push pins are in place...and so i did....
now the big LOLS..seeing the push pins in place, i decided to "lock" the push pins by twisting the pins as the arrow suggested..WRONG! apparently it "unlocks" the push i booted up, looked at PC HEALTH..and watched my temps (via BIOS) rise to almost 85c before it shut down..i thought..WTF?! did i overlap? what did i do wrong?
so i dissasembled the thing again, and looked at the HSF to see if there was contact..and there was indeed contact..smelled the proc, and no "burnt" or "funny" i cleaned up the HSF and Proc with ispropyl alcohol and reapplied the AS-5 (again as directed on the guide..that is to use only a grain of rice size at the center)
locked the HSF in place and noticed 1 pin was wobbly, so i read the Giagabyte manual (intel manual wasnt very helpful as to which way is to lock) and lo and behold i was supposed to go against the arrow to lock! lols
so i pins in place and CPU is "normal" again..dunno if i overlapped (if theres such a thing) but temps are acceptable (comparable to stock with stock thermal pad for now) dunno how long before i see the benefits of the proper AS-5 application as well as lapping the HSF