Here are my parts:
E6300 @2.8ghz
DDR800 @stock 5-5-5-16
Gigabyte 965P-DS3 Rev 1.0 F10 Bios
Here's my stable OC settings:
PCI-E Frequency = 105
I had the video card instability problem others encountered before using 100 mhz -- ya know torture test is stable but when you reboot, the screen goes blank but HD is booting, BIOS resets to default. In my case i had this as an additional: my video setup in the nvidia control panel gets dark after sometime.
Setting this to 105 solved it (I tried 101mhz but the video setup get's lighter. The reboot problem is gone though. Did not bother to try 102, just went to 105).
And this problem is still present in the F10 bios.
FSB: 200
Mem Multiplier: 2
System Voltages: All Normal
E6300 is B2 stepping, default vcore is at 1.325 under DS3.
2.8 ghz can be achieved under default vcore using this DS3.
Here are my suggestions:
Try OC'ing using the default voltages, and add to vcore if unstable.
Don't immediately go to a higher voltage without knowing that the previous one is unstable. This is to lessen the heat from your processor.
Also the MCH is already hot, don't add voltage to this unless you tried all options but your system is still unstable.
Here are my parts:
E6300 @2.8ghz
DDR800 @stock 5-5-5-16
Gigabyte 965P-DS3 Rev 1.0 F10 Bios
Here's my stable OC settings:
PCI-E Frequency = 105
I had the video card instability problem others encountered before using 100 mhz -- ya know torture test is stable but when you reboot, the screen goes blank but HD is booting, BIOS resets to default. In my case i had this as an additional: my video setup in the nvidia control panel gets dark after sometime.
Setting this to 105 solved it (I tried 101mhz but the video setup get's lighter. The reboot problem is gone though. Did not bother to try 102, just went to 105).
And this problem is still present in the F10 bios.
FSB: 200
Mem Multiplier: 2
System Voltages: All Normal
E6300 is B2 stepping, default vcore is at 1.325 under DS3.
2.8 ghz can be achieved under default vcore using this DS3.
Here are my suggestions:
Try OC'ing using the default voltages, and add to vcore if unstable.
Don't immediately go to a higher voltage without knowing that the previous one is unstable. This is to lessen the heat from your processor.
Also the MCH is already hot, don't add voltage to this unless you tried all options but your system is still unstable.