[SOLVED] 64bit Vga driver in 32bit operating system!

Muhammad Jahid

Jun 4, 2020
I want to install 32bit operating system in a computer because threre is only 4gb ram and 32bit os performs very smooth. But, while downloading the necessary driver from that 'motherboard website' , I noticed that there is no 32bit vga driver in the website.

Question: If I download that 64bit vga driver and install it in the 32bit os computer, will it be installed and works properly?

Motherboard Website:
https://www.msi.com/Motherboard/support/H410M-PRO#down-driver&Win10 64
Another disadvantage of 32-bit Windows is that you are stuck with old versions of web browsers which might make your web browsing a painful experience because old browsers don't always work well with newer web rendering technologies, resulting on higher CPU usage and longer loading time.