in my mind, microstuttering is like compression on mp3 files, most people don't notice the affect of it.
If you can find a place that offers returns, you can always try it out, and if it is really noticeable then return it. If you don't notice, then blissfully play your games while being ignorant of the fact that some frames are getting chopped short.
As for the PSU, AMD suggests a 500W or higher. You have a 500W PSU, but I don't think it is going to cut it. You have a 125W CPU, and two 125W GPUs, which is 375W on the 12V line assuming you aren't overclocking (and not including other devices). You'll need roughly 36A peak, and if I got the right PSU yours can put out 36A, but on two rails. Since each rail is 18A, you may overdraw one of the rails, of if you are "lucky" the real over current protection isn't until you hit 20A or a little higher. However, a quick search says that isn't likely to happen especially when the unit is hot.
Hardware secrets says the rails are set up like so:
+12V1: The cables that are permanently attached to the power supply.
+12V2: The cables from the modular cabling system.
They also say that the over current protection kicks in at 20A at cold, and at 18A when hot.
Sounds to me like you need a new PSU, but you might be able to get it to work. Personally I'd try it, but I'm guessing your system is going to shut off to protect itself and you'll have to upgrade either to a single rail PSU, or a 550-600W dual rail PSU. (either way, I'd step up to at least a 550W PSU)