760 SLI, Yes or no.

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Should I go 760 SLI or wait for the new CPU's & GPU's?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%

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Look @ the COD ghosts recommended settings below - do you see the gtx 760 4gb?

Recommended System Requirements:
•OS: Windows 7 64-Bit / Windows 8 64-Bit
•CPU: Intel® Core™ i5 – 680 @ 3.6GHz
•HDD : 40 GB HD space
•Video: NVIDIA® GeForce™ GTX 760 @ 4GB
•Sound: DirectX® compatible sound card
•DirectX®: DirectX® 11
•Internet: Broadband connection and service required for Multiplayer Connectivity. Internet connection required for activation.


Only by the link I already showed, experience as a programmer, and a number of BF4 users who find that BF4 starts off needing 1500mb of memory when you start playing, and over the initial 30 seconds, it starts loading more stuff into the vram until it either reaches your vram limit or 2500mb. At no point is there performance loss and when using the same settings, switching out to a 2Gb card results in no loss in performance.

Memory usage shown is how much memory is allocated for use. NOT how much memory is required. Sometimes they are the same, sometimes they are not.
The link you sent us is almost a year old and not from a reputable review site like Tomshardware.

Your experience as a programmer doesn't impress me, I studied computers in school and worked in the IT industry in the past.

Have you played BF4?

I was talking about COD GHOSTS in my previous example.

I've monitored Vram usage in BF4 and I'm aware of how it works.

I've observed performance losses when there is a lack of VRAM in my testing with different platforms and graphic cards.

People I know have observed similar results.

Read the Tomshardware link I posted that mentioned possible performance hits due to the lack of VRAM.

Memory usage & allocation depends on the game, not all games are well optimized.


do you understand what I said, I wasn'r referring to the 780Ti if it had 2GB Vram, it's those medium end GPU's with 4GB Vram, that's the point, for examply R9 270X or GTX 760.
you weren't clear because I mentioned the 2 gb 780 ti example after your statement below anyway.

to quote from what you said above, Vram won't help if the GPU core itself struggles, as it may require more Vram then you may have (2GB but needs 2.2GB...BF4), but the core won't be able to handle it.

Regardless 2x midrange gpu's in SLI get similar benchmark results in some games.

I'm not saying the experience is the same, I personally prefer the gameplay of a single gtx 780 ti vs 2x 770's without a doubt.

For a sinlge midrange gtx 760 2 gb is enough for gaming, I wouldn't even think about 4 gb.
Selecting a settings that requires even 3 gb of ram would turn a single 760 into a slideshow or not work at all.

The same way 3gb of VRAM is enough for a gtx 780 ti in most cases however if you decided to play a game on a 4k monitor or 3 1440p vram would be a challenge for the 780 ti even in 3 way sli.

For the extreme stuff Titan black is the best option because of its 6 gb frame buffer. A single Titan black doesn't need a 6 gb for gaming generally because it will not be able to run games on extreme settings @ 4k or 3 1440p monitors.

Remember the one of the reasons that the 770, 760 have a option of 2b or 4 gb of vRAM is because 3gb is not an option because of the memory architecture.
If Nvidia was able to offer 4 gb of Vram for a 780 ti they probably would however the options are 3 and 6 gb because of the memory architecture.

The R9 290 has 4 gb because this is an option with its memory architecture, I'm not getting another gtx 780 ti because the only reason I would need to is for extreme stuff and I don't have enough VRAM for some of the extreme stuff.

"More VRAM = More options and more future resistant"

Cards the 780 ti and R9 290x have enough horse power to drive settings that require more than 3 gb of VRam if the cards are in a SLI or Crossfire configuration.

3 and 6GB would be the only option for the 780Ti, but no 6GB as that would basically be a titan black for a much less preice.

more Vram doesn't mean more options, and not always more future resistant!, that is ridiculous. A GT 630 with 4GB DDR3 video ram is future resistant?, don't even see what options that was.
There is a 6 gb model for the regular 780 and I heard a 780 ti 6 gb is going to be available however this is not confirmed.
The Titan black also has dual precision compute enabled and is a pro consumer card.

The 630 is a ridicules example because we already established that if the card or cards are underpowered more VRAM is not necessary because they will not need the vram because they don't have enough juice to handle the extreme settings.

Do you remember the statement below. you can look up the post and read the rest if you like.

"For a sinlge midrange gtx 760 2 gb is enough for gaming, I wouldn't even think about 4 gb"

The GT 630 is a competitor to Intel integrated graphics.

Can you read in between the lines?

Aren't you an enthusiast?

Your 290x's 4gb frame buffer in crossfire will be a plus when in comparison to 2x 780 ti's with 3 gb in some extreme gaming scenarios - Don't you think?

what are you on about?, Do you even have an understanding of what i am saying?

I don't care what the GT 630 is compared to, it was an example. The actual argument was 2GB vs 4GB for a particular card, your taking it to a point beyond ridiculous, sounds like you don't even have a clue what your saying, your just mixing scenarios.

Bad example.

You're not clear and you don't know what you're talking about in my opinion
this is tech, yes, but more is not always best. A GPU can only handle so much, try to add more then it doesn't need is a waste of money. Once you actually go into using more vram then 2GB, the core is the thing that is struggling and NOT so much the vram, so having more won't help the lag, as your going to have it no matter what.

such a huge difference isn't there?????


no difference at all!

From that the 2GB in BF4 which is claimed to use 2.2GB, beats the 4GB, no argument in your favour.

Doesn't even matter, do your research.
Yes, BUT why not overkill when a cpu is easily upgradeable. For ie. My cpu is and mobo is slowest part of my system but I feel its not ready to be upgraded yet. I7 950, socket ugh 1366🙁
Running r9 290x crossfire water cooled.
16gb 2400mhz patriot ddr3
256gb ssd
Pair 3tb green wd

I could greatly benifit from sata3 and usb 3.0 but I don't think I need better cpu yet but when I do the rest of my system is ready, new enough
Thats just one game, even though its maybe the most graphically intensive game to date, im sure this ia just the tip of the iceberg with multi-monitor, 4k and 3D gaming becoming more popular.
What a pathetic point,

Firstly, at 4K on BF4, both cards perform NO DIFFERENT

4k can be used as "multiple screens", as the resolution is higher then most multi-monitor setups.

Doesn't matter about the CPU and motherboard, that review was done with an i5 4670k and Z87, so no issue there. And with your CPU, a GTX 760 2GB/4GB will perform to it's best and with no difference.

It may be only one game, but it sure as hell would be the main decider to what is best, as you guys even said, BF4 needs more then 2gb vram making the 4GB card best, total rubbish

Words are one thing, hardcore facts to support is another. So list them with proper reviews, your words are meaningless otherwise.

so a final message;

I had gtx 760 sli and while it was nice It left me wanting more. kept setup for about a week. I have three HP z23i monitiors, not to hijack this thread anymore but the op selection should be fine. The gtx 760 sli was powerful enough it just felt like it was running of memory, I had 2gb models, evga

didnt say you were wrong lol, just giving op different opinion. I refused to buy another 400 video card since i bought an ati all in wonder way back when, priorities have change now i just spent $1000 on a video card setup something i vowed never to do again but hey you only live once. Actually this system saves me money, I love video games. I try to get the game on pc first, then xbox one then ps4, xbox one only cause I bought it first and the ps4 exclusive games(killzone got tossed in the trash)

I was just in the market before my 290x purchase, the gtx 760 4GB bumps price up to the point where you might as well get the 770 especially since you proved "memory size" isnt an issue. I can only speak on the 760, because some magazine reviewed it and gave it really good reviews, after owning them I knew only the most powerful gpu's would run my system. nvidia is crazy with their prices, dont like amd but cant argue with price/performance.