760 SLI, Yes or no.

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Should I go 760 SLI or wait for the new CPU's & GPU's?

  • Yes

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No

    Votes: 4 100.0%

  • Total voters

You stated the 630 was an example and then I wrote it was bad example.

I don't get your point with your latest rebuttle.

" I didn't see all the other nonsense you wrote above when originally replaying"


This is not a comprehensive or reliable review in my opinion.

Did you read the comments from the readers below?


Your questionable review site that Tested BF4 when it just came out and was full of bugs doesn't mean much.

I don't think you have too much experience with different hardware configurations and are relaying on review sites that don't give readers the whole picture and are misleading.


This game isn't very well optimized for PC however there is a reason the developer recommended the 4g gtx 760.

This game without AA uses 2.5 GB of VRam.

Do you think you know more than the developer?
The short answer is yes.You'll max everything on 1080p,but 1440p won't be flawless in every situation(i.e. Crysis 3 with 1000x MSAA...).


Crysis 3 maxed out @ 1080p with 8x msaa uses over 2.3 gb of VRAM, I tried it yesterday when helping somebody else.

Most of the challenge's would be in 1440p gaming.

We have a testimonial - Have you have done testing with 760 sli?

I forgot, you rely on questionable review sites for your knowledge. lol


Did you monitor your Vram?

Did you get stuttering?

What made you feeling you were running out of VRAM?


About that 2.3 gb of VRAM,is that just VRAM allocation or is it actually using all of that ?

mr91, you have to be kidding me. You have shown not ONE true example to support your statements, not ONE!!!!

Words mean nothing without hardcore facts.

"This is not a comprehensive or reliable review in my opinion.

Seriously? Is that all you can say?, your opinion is totally wrong!!

Do you want more reviews??

You're entitled your opinion however I disagree.

What games have you played?
What other configurations have you tested?

Are you afraid to answer my questions?

Here is an opinion from an owner of 2 770's from another thread

have two GTX 770 4GB cards myself, and my monitor is 1440p so I can definitely give you a solid opinion.

My opinion is, get the 4GB version. Here's why.. Although no game currently even comes close to using 4GB of VRAM for rendering purposes, there are some games that will use the extra VRAM you have to cache textures, shaders etcetera.

This can result in additional benefits, such as faster loading, and less stuttering and hitching during gameplay. A few games that I've played that do this are Crysis 3, BF4 and Bioshock Infinite. All of them preload and cache assets.

With even bigger games due out this year (Dragon Age Inquisition, Witcher 3, Watch Dogs etcetera), VRAM will be even more important for smooth hitch free gaming.

Another reason to get the 4GB version is mods. If you play games like Skyrim, and GTA IV (GTA V is due out this year supposedly as well), you can mod the hell out of those games with very detailed textures that eat up lots of VRAM.

Who made you the leading authority on technology?


The review sites are not nessarly factual. Can you show me something from a reputable site like Tomshardware that supports your assertions?

I showed you links from Tomsharware.


This is kind of funny coming from you. You've now shot down a few sites that disagree with your opinion, but you don't except any of them, and have yet to show anything but your own testimonial as proof to back up your claims.

Clearly you hold your opinion over anyone else, but what is really hypocritical is that you attack someone else for claiming to be the authority with review sites to back him up while you are claiming to be the authority with nothing but your own testimonial as proof.

You're are also entitled to your opinion however in my opinion you lack the knowledge and hands on experience to make such a assertion.

I agree! No point educating people that think they know everything.

I will stop interacting with them.

If the op has questions then I will gladly answer them.