
Aug 2, 2002
These questions were often debated here...

775 will surely see performance improvement. Intel can't launch this new platform without giving some reason to get it!

The 64bit Intel stuff is harder to gauge. We know that the actual Prescott core support it, but it's not activated. Intel did not provided much infos on when they will release 64bit enabled Prescott (or Prescott variants).

Prescott already dissipate 100 Watts of power, activating 64bit circuitry will increase heat dissipation. Maybe Intel will have to wait for a revised Prescott core that is cooler to activate 64bit in their CPU.

If you wait for 775 AND 64bit to upgrade, you might have wait some time!

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.


Feb 6, 2004
>775 will surely see performance improvement. Intel can't
>launch this new platform without giving some reason to get

You mean like when there where plenty of reasons to switch from 440bx to 820 beside the fact it was very much more expensive and newer and featured some higher numbers for its memory ?

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =


Aug 2, 2002
P4Man you always poke on me!!! :smile:
Ho man, I will soon quit THGC... :smile:

Seriously, Intel will probably introduce a P4E at more than 3.4GHz for this platform. Maybe not that much more.

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.


Feb 6, 2004
>P4Man you always poke on me!!!

Nah, I poke on posts, not people. But if many of the posts I "poke on" happen to be yours.. then well..hmm.. what can I say ? let's just be nice and say it probably proves you post a lot LOL :D

>Seriously, Intel will probably introduce a P4E at more than
>3.4GHz for this platform. Maybe not that much more.

True, and larger cache prescotts as well. I just wanted to point out the platform as such is definately not guaranteed to be faster. I may be pessimistic, but I ain't expecting much from i9x5, DDR2 and PCI-E this year. Maybe 1066 FSB will make a difference, but for the record:I don't think 915 with DDR2-533, and PCI-E will outperform an otherwise identical but much cheaper i865 with DDR400 and AGP machine by more than a trivial ammount. Wouldnt be surprised if it actually ends up even a bit slower.

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =


Aug 2, 2002
But if many of the posts I "poke on" happen to be yours.. then well..hmm.. what can I say ? let's just be nice and say it probably proves you post a lot
Or this prove that I'm often wrong! Duh!

At least, 775 will be future-proof. But like AMD do with 939, Intel will probably not sell mid-range CPU for the socket. And we will have hard time recommending Intel platforms to "mid-range" buyer's...

We will start to see posts like : "Wait a couple of months and buy 775" like today's "Don't buy SocketA or 754 and wait for lower speed 939 and PCI-EXPRESS in a couple of months".

It's quite funny to always be on "the edge" of new technology. For almost a year now!

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.


Feb 6, 2004
>It's quite funny to always be on "the edge" of new
>technology. For almost a year now!

Almost 20 years really :)

= The views stated herein are my personal views, and not necessarily the views of my wife. =


Aug 2, 2002
But today's, it's worst than ever... We got new socket for Intel, too much socket with AMD, new generation GPU from both ATI/nVidia and we can't decide between PS2.0 or PS3.0, we still can buy AGP GPU, but PCI-EXPRESS is nearly here, Intel will try to push BTX and AMD want to keep ATX a little longer. DDR/DDR2...

Did I forget important things?

It's tricky to use words like <b><font color=green>AMD</font color=green></b> or <b><font color=blue>Intel</font color=blue></b> in a signature some users could think your are biased.