780ti 3gb or wait for 780ti 6gb

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Jan 11, 2014
im getting a 780 ti for a gift in a few weeks and im wondering if there is any news on the 6gig verison or if i need it at all.

i run 3 dell 2001 fp monitors each one is 1600x1200

will i need the 6 gig or will the 3gb be enough? its for gaming
i play bf4
farcry 3
and many more plus want to play star citizen

my specs
fx 8150 oced 4.3 with 120mm rad
8gigs of 1866 mhz dominator gt
mobo is asus m5a99x evo r.20
corsair rm 850
I have the Asus 780 ti and Bf4 and far cry 3 and 3 gb is more than enough for these games at 1440p - BF4 uses about 2.2 gb on ultra at 1440p.

Bf 4 potentially can use more vram if you change the scaling to 200% for example - In this case two 780 ti with 6gb of ram would be the best way to go however for most scenarios 3 gb is plenty.

COD Ghosts also uses over 3gb of vram however I think that's is poor optimization.

If you can wait the 6gb would probably last longer and a better option for sli with extreme resolutions and multi monitor setups.

well i wana say that i hit 2 to 2 1/2 gigs but just read somthing about 6 gig verison so i didnt want her to buy it then that come out...so i figured i would ask people who knew more then me...and will 780 ti sli be good?
IMHO, and sli of 780 ti is only really going to be suggested at single 1440p where 3gb vram is useful but unlikely to go over. For triple monitor set ups I generally reccomend a 4gb vram card in sli if possible.

why till 2015? is the 780ti not as good as they say? and why no sli

ok so im trying to keep up lol...so im going to answer your last question also i was planning on just sli the 770 4gb and call it good for a few years cause my mons are only 60hz mons....but my first post everyone told me to get the 780 ti and i would like to last a few years cause my next upgrades are a new mobo and a i7 4770k
And in 2015 the card will start to show its age a little (not excessively) particualry in the vram area. The ti is an amazing card but at your resolution I really would go r9 290x with a nice aftermarket cooler

that was my plan originally but then she told me i could pick any card i want and my other post everyone said get the 780ti then sli in a year

i wouldnt mind going back to amd ....but i like my pysx and i had alot of problems with amd and the heat....unless its gotten better ...the last card i had was the 5970hd dual gpu

ok....so you think the 780ti isnt worth it? i just dont want to turn down a opertunity to get the best card/or upgrade
Most crossfire issues have been fixed, but 290xs don't use bridge, they run using your motherboard's pice slots, so you want a good motherboard if that is what you are doing. If I were you, just grab an r9 290x, then upgrade later on when it starts to become weak. Look for online reviews for which one to get, particualry 3 fan cooled ones as they are only about 5C above most 780s

oh nice ill look into it...but where does it compete with the 780ti....i just really like nvidia and have had really good look compared to amd


theres this guys video i found wich is similar to what im asking i think.

well my total res with bezel comp is 5040x1200 so im not even hitting 1080p...but these monitors look great so i see no need to get new ones just want her to buy the best card for her money and me happy

also i read that the 770 cant use all of the 4 gigs of ram cause of the 256 bus
well with single 780 and 1200 you will get around 100+ fps so with three you are looking down to 50s with ultra settings and no you won't get 60 fps with 780ti on that setup on ultra settings but you could adjust ultra to high

well i get 55 across all 3 in bf4 with ultra settings and no AA