780ti 3gb or wait for 780ti 6gb

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Jan 11, 2014
im getting a 780 ti for a gift in a few weeks and im wondering if there is any news on the 6gig verison or if i need it at all.

i run 3 dell 2001 fp monitors each one is 1600x1200

will i need the 6 gig or will the 3gb be enough? its for gaming
i play bf4
farcry 3
and many more plus want to play star citizen

my specs
fx 8150 oced 4.3 with 120mm rad
8gigs of 1866 mhz dominator gt
mobo is asus m5a99x evo r.20
corsair rm 850
I have the Asus 780 ti and Bf4 and far cry 3 and 3 gb is more than enough for these games at 1440p - BF4 uses about 2.2 gb on ultra at 1440p.

Bf 4 potentially can use more vram if you change the scaling to 200% for example - In this case two 780 ti with 6gb of ram would be the best way to go however for most scenarios 3 gb is plenty.

COD Ghosts also uses over 3gb of vram however I think that's is poor optimization.

If you can wait the 6gb would probably last longer and a better option for sli with extreme resolutions and multi monitor setups.

well maybe yes , maybe not but either way you well reach 60 with custom settings so you still gonna be set , 780 ti is one powerful card , look it these way 780ti could max out bf3 on that setup , bf4 is heavier than bf3 so basically you gonna lower settings either AA or from ultra to high or mex out if you want to get that 60 as i said between ultra and high some times disabling AA doesn't make that much difference than lowering the in game setting itself but 780ti is the top notch of the year and if anything more powerful than that , it would be 7990
The 780TI 6GB is likely the Titan replacement and knowing Nvidia the card will be priced as such. 3GB is just getting by in games like BF4 @ 1440p, and by years end will likely not be enough.

The 290x aftermarket is probably your best bet right now, or wait a little longer and see if rumors do indeed prove true 6GB 780Ti variant.

In any case we pretty much know that the AMD card will excel in any Mantle supported game, another reason to go AMD

For gaming yeah Titan is pretty much useless, for benching though the Titan smokes the 780TI. Titan has tighter ram timings and overclocks like a beast especially under water.
I have the Asus 780 ti and Bf4 and far cry 3 and 3 gb is more than enough for these games at 1440p - BF4 uses about 2.2 gb on ultra at 1440p.

Bf 4 potentially can use more vram if you change the scaling to 200% for example - In this case two 780 ti with 6gb of ram would be the best way to go however for most scenarios 3 gb is plenty.

COD Ghosts also uses over 3gb of vram however I think that's is poor optimization.

If you can wait the 6gb would probably last longer and a better option for sli with extreme resolutions and multi monitor setups.


word thanks and yeah the 7990 is nice but its one of the dual gpu cards so im sure a 780 ti sli would smoke it cause most benchmarks ive seen shows the ti just barely behind that card and thats just a single ti

most benchmarks that ive read or seen show the 780 ti above the r9 290x in bf4 so thats not completly true..

from the bf4 becnhmarks ive seen this is not true at all....maybe amd lead the way at the beganing but there top card barely beats or it loses to the 780 ti in bf4 and bf4 is not the only game i play

thanks someone who is not just pushing amd side .....everyone keeps pushing amd and that was not the focus of this thread at all....no do you know if there is a 6gb verison coming out? if not ill just get a 3gb if it will work with my setup

At 1080p the 780TI does very well because of plentiful TMUs. If your so keen on Nvidia pick up the 3GB 780TI, the 6GB will definitely cost an arm and a leg knowing Nvidia

well im running 3 1600x1200 mons so i think thats lower then 1080p and i wish to stick with nvidia cause i love my physx and i was just seeing if anyone had any info on a 6gb version

well thank you very much! im lean on just getting the 3gb version ....ive seen 780 3 monitor setup and sli.....so im figure the 780 ti can handle it as well