780ti SLI or 980sli?


Dec 14, 2013
i have one 780ti classified but thinking of buying a second reference 780ti to run in SLI can pick a second hand one up on eBay for £300, I have atx bored so the reference should help with temp..

Or should I get 2 980s evga reference cards there £505 eatch and sell classy?
But I want to up grade when the 1080 comes out when will that be (September I guess)
I play in 2k I will upgrade to 4k in September
I have two Matrix 780Tis in SLI and they chew everything up pretty much. In some cases the 780TI actually beats the 980, but overall even when the 980 wins it isn't by much so it's more of a sidegrade than an upgrade. You'd save a lot by just getting another 780TI rather than getting 2 980s.
Okay thankS guys I'm I'm running a corsair 350d ATX case so do you think one classy n one reference card will get to hot? The cards will be very close?

That's one reason why I'm thinking of getting to 980s reference cards as the heat will be going out the back
And eBay is a bit hard to buy a card off, they have no warranty one there
I could get to 980s and sell me 780ti classy for 300-350 on eBay.. So new cards would only cost 650 the 2ed hand 780ti are 300?

that case is fine, for heating issues it wont be to bad,

wow there cheap i really like evga cards the reference cards are £505 at scan.co.uk
im thinking of going in that direction tbh
what difference did you see in the 780ti v 980

the 980 will handle higher resolutions than the 780ti by a lot

To be honest, I've moved away from EVGA for the Maxwell series. The 980's are quieter, run cooler, use less power, and do not have VRAM bottlenecks on AAA games that I run on Ultra settings. If you're going 4K you need at minimum 4GB VRAM. Palit is the way to go. I wish they were available in the states.

i reall want to buy 2 980s and run in SLI but dont want a 980ti or something to come out in 4 months time,

yes its fine and if your gonna overclock watch temps but you don't have to have them at the same speed

There will always be something new come out. It's the nature of the beast.