780ti upgrade or wait for Pascal

Anik Joy

Feb 2, 2014
I have been using 780ti palit for a while for gaming on 1080p. I have noticed latest games quite hard to handle on ultra settings like withcher 3 and GTA V. I was wondering is it wise to upgrade to Nvidia 980ti or wait for the pascal to come out. I dont mind waiting few more months for better graphics. I did see on some rigs 980ti still struggle on some games @ 1440p ultra settings . So what do you think guys. I want to play everything on ultra settings and im not planning on 4K anytime soon.
My rig
cpu : i7 4770k
ram : ddr3 16 gb
gpu: palit 780ti super jetstream
get a 980ti dont bother with pascal and when the next gen after pascal comes out (rumor says it will be called volta) get that a 980ti is still a beast
1) I wouldn't upgrade now. Why not just drop a couple settings if you want higher frame rates?

2) No ASync Compute in hardware for NVidia (I'm sure Pascal is fine). Plus, other new architectural tweak likely to make a big difference going forward with DX12.

3) Don't forget about GSYNC monitors. I'd rather upgrade my monitor from a 1080p to a good 1440p GSYNC IPS model than buy a new graphics card (If I had a GTX780Ti).

4) Some workarounds for tweaking include forcing Adaptive VSYNC. If you had a 144Hz monitor you could use the "HALF" version of that to force 72FPS. It then toggles VSYNC ON or OFF.

I tweak so I occasionally drop below 60FPS (60Hz monitor) so then get screen tearing but not the stutter you get with VSYNC ON but below the target synch.
Guys thanks for the quick reply, I was looking at Asus Matrix
It looks quite good, do you think its worth the money or should I go with MSI one. Few people told me MSI is okay but would prefer the Asus brand for the cooling performances. I wont be doing any sort of overclocking its solely for gaming at 1440p @ ultra settings.
One more thing Im thinking of buying the Asus monitor as well.
they both going to cost me above a grand. If you guys think I would get same performance from other brands in cheaper price i dont mind changing. all sort of suggestions are welcome and my price for GPU is around £600 and monitor £400.
Basically i just wanna play on ULTRA settings for atleast 2 years. I dont mind paying bit higher if needed to. Let me know.
Graphics card coolers are mostly marketing.
The underlying parts are all sourced from the same place, namely Nvidia.
Graphics card vendors are wise to overclocking.
They bin their chips and select the best ones for use in factory overclocked cards.
You get fair value from such cards but do not expect to get lucky and get a significant extra overclock.
If it were possible, such an overclock would be included in an even higher performing card.
In terms of the matrix, the boost clock is 1317, and the cost is 650#
by comparison, a EVGA GTX980tiFTW has a lesser boost clock of 1291, a whopping 2% difference and a price of 575#
For that 2%, you are paying 75# more.



In the future may want to investigate GSYNC monitors. I'm holding off for a year or two for pricing/quality to improve, but they are awesome.