8.00 GB using 3.98 Why is this?

Have you tried already CLEAN install of windows I don't mean "restart my pc" but by media creation tool with usb and formating?

If you mean have I tried that recently, then no. I have not. I installed Windows through USB, not that that matters anyway. Just thought I should mention it.
Alright type in search box "mdsched.exe" it will run test for your memory if anything bad happened but first of all I suggest you to run in cmd.exe with administrator priviliges "sfc /scannow" it will check if something was corrupted in windows after updates and such after that run "mdsched.exe" also If you run "sfc /scannow" It might enable again cortana even I don't know whats your windows so keep an eye on it

I've heard I can go to msconfig and set the memory to my desired number. I currently use 2 4 Gig sticks. What number should I set it to? it can't be as simple as setting to 8, right? Windows says I currently have 3.98 usable.