Hey a question towards people with some knowledge about the AMD Radeon software as well as monitor colour depth and HDR.
SO, first off, why is there an option to select a 8 bit or 10bit colour profile BOTH in the graphics settings, as well as the monitor settings of the AMD Radeon Software?
Secondly, is there a visual difference between the two that not professional users can actually see?
Third, for some reason on the 8bit colour profile, my monitor automatically switches to hdr in games that have it turned on and everything looks good. In the 10bit colour profile my monitor no longer automatically swicthes to hdr and games like Battlefield One and AC Origins look incredibly over-luminated and over-saturated.
Is HDR better in games or does the 10bit colour profile make the bigger visual difference?
SO, first off, why is there an option to select a 8 bit or 10bit colour profile BOTH in the graphics settings, as well as the monitor settings of the AMD Radeon Software?
Secondly, is there a visual difference between the two that not professional users can actually see?
Third, for some reason on the 8bit colour profile, my monitor automatically switches to hdr in games that have it turned on and everything looks good. In the 10bit colour profile my monitor no longer automatically swicthes to hdr and games like Battlefield One and AC Origins look incredibly over-luminated and over-saturated.
Is HDR better in games or does the 10bit colour profile make the bigger visual difference?