8-pin Aux Connector?


Jan 22, 2006
Anyone know a good 500W or more, preferably modular, stable, PSU with an 8-pin Aux connector instead of just a 4-pin?

I was going to get a Hiper Type-R 580W Modular Power Supply but the mobo I was looking at, DFI UT NF4 DR SLI Expert uses an 8-pin connector (instead of 4-pin Aux connector) and that PSU only has a 4-pin, no 8-pin :cry:

It's such a shame cause it seems like an incredible PSU from what Ive been reading.

So anyone got any ideas for me?

Also what is this connector called? or type of PSU that has it (like ATX12V or what not?)
I have this and it has what you're asking for:

Enermax All in One Noisetaker

Great VERY quiet PSU. it's SLI capable, too.

Here's a relevant pic:

Notice the lowest cable is the 8 pin (comes with an adapter to downchange to a 4 pin just in case)