8800 GTX Died....Replacement?


Dec 11, 2011
Ok looks like my trusty 8800 GTX card finally died after showing the classic signs. I need some help finding a good card to replace it with. The card I had was:
8800 GTX 768mb, 384-bit GDDR3 PCI Express

My current system is:
P5N32-E SLI Plus 650i mobo
Thermaltake 700W Power Supply
Intel Quad Core Q6600
OCZ 4GB DDR2 (PS2 6400) Dual Channel

I was looking at the GTX460. Any other thoughts? Price range $200 and under.Like nVidia better than ATi as wel..
I have the same issue and was wondering if someone could give me some advice.

The same exact GTX8800 finally died in my system. I’ve had it a good four years now, and loved it. It wasn’t the original one on my system, but I upgraded to it either immediately, or shortly after getting the system. I loved it so much, that I’m considering on getting a replacement on EBay or something, but guess it’s time to upgrade if I can.

It’s the “if I can” part that I need help with. I purchased my system 4 years ago, it still runs great and does everything I need, so I’d rather not upgrade if I could help it. The problem I think will be the power supply (although it did handle the GTX 8800 fine). Here is my system:

Dell Dimension 9200
Vista 32
Intel Quad Core 2.4GHz
375W Power supply

I’ve read other articles on this site (which are very helpful by the way, thank you), and I thought I narrowed it down to getting the GTX 460 or 560, but then I read this on the NVIDIA forum and it scared the bejezus out of me:
To have a "failing club" for the 400/500 series is amazing. Are the 400/500 cards really failing that much?

If those aren’t a good choice, then I was thinking an ATI HD 5870 or HD 6870, or even the HD 6850, but it looks like all of those need a 500W power supply according to the ATI specs.

So considering that I’m looking to stay under $200 for a card, what do you think is the best choice? I’m thoroughly confused at this point.
Also, do I have to upgrade my PSU?

I went out and bought a GeForce 210 just to get my system up temporarily (works surprisingly well actually), but I need a bit more speed, and would like my dual monitors back :)
