
Jul 15, 2003
I'll soon be upgrading from a Radeon 9000 pro to a 9800 pro in anticipation of Doom3 and HL2. Right now, i'm running a 2.4 ghz p4 on an intel board that only supports up to 4x agp. I plan on running Doom3 as pretty as possible. Is 8x worth the 150 bucks to buy a new mobo? Will the 9800's throughput ever max out that of 4x AGP?


99% of the time, you will not notice the benefits of 8x AGP.

You might notice a small increase running at resolutions above 1280*960, especially when running AA at those resolutions.

Still less than 5% in most cases, tho.

Radeon 9500 w/256 bit memory bus @ 367/310
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3439


Feb 15, 2002
I think it is a mistake to buy a new piece of hardware in anticipation of a game. I wait until the game comes out and then buy new hardware if I need it. But that's IMHO.

Like they said above ^^^ you will not see a big performance difference because of 4x vs. 8x (or between 128MB and 256MB by the way).

But there <b>is</b> a big performance difference between the 9000 and the 9800 pro, if that's what you were asking.

What were you asking? :cool:

<font color=blue>Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result.
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Former Staff
I doubt you'll ever max out AGP4x with any current card. If you did, it would be barely maxed, resulting in a small but unnoticeable slowdown.

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