
Nov 22, 2011
I'm thinking about getting an SSD, I either want the Corsair Force Series 3 or the Corsair Force Series GT, and I was wondering which one was better, I'm open to any other suggestions though ($110 limit). I was also wondering that if I got this SSD, where would I get a windows 7 install disc? I originally bought my computer from Dell and it didn't come with a Windows 7 disc, but I have the code for it.

The best way is to reformat the drive to get rid of windows! When you install windows to the SSD unplug the current drive so the mbr actually goes on the SSD!
Here is some very good info on SSD's http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/270102-32-useful-articles-part

The problem is that reformatting my drive would cause me to delete my steam folder, and I don't think I'm ready to re download all my games lol.
I recommend always to have a backup of all your important data inclusive of school work, work, family photos and so on. Maybe this is an opportunity to get an external drive for backup to copy your steam folder to! Deleting windows normal way like a user file is going to leave some stuff behind.

I actually have one of those and never thought of backing up lol, Thankyou :)