9600 GT is severly being bottlenecked.


Oct 28, 2007
I installed my 9600GT I got yesterday, reinstalled all the drivers, and everything, but all games are as slow or slower than they were with my 6800.

My specs:

4000x2+ @ 2.5 ghz
Pcie x16 wired for x8 mode (where my 9600GT is installed 🙁 )
2 gb of DDR2 633 ram.
550 Watts PSU dual 12 v rail one at 19v one at 18 v.
Windows Vista Ultimate x64 edition


World in conflict - On Very High w/o AA and 1024x768 and medium physics Dx10 rendering.

Benchmark: 13 fps avg
In normal game play: 13- 16 fps avg

Crysis - With CCC on level 2. (So... Basically the quality is around medium- high)

Average FPS @ calm: 18 fps.
Normal FPS during Any real game play: 8 fps.

Multiplayer- with same as above.

Average FPS: 6

Multiplayer- with everything on low

Average FPS: 9

My 6800 GT did better...

Can anyone help me find the Bottleneck?

Why have you got the card in a PCIE 8x slot? Also both those games are very demanding. You have a nvidia card so why are you using CCC? Also the rez you are playing at is quite low making the games more cpu dependent.

I severly doubt there is any kind of bottleneck going on at all. I have a 3870 and I can play Crysis @ 1280x1024 everything on high with no AA dx9, and I have a 4800x2 @ 2.4ghz.

Some suggestions are to put the card in a pcie x16 slot. There might be some kind of driver conflict going on like why are you mentioning CCC. It is also possible that because you have Vista x64 that 2gb of ram simply isn't enough. Your best option is to format and reinstall vista and then see what happens.
Ah, interesting story...
You see, Jetway said that their product was a Pcie 16x slot, it was really 8x. I didn't feel like returning it, I worked so hard to build it.

As for the Resolution, should I INCREASE the resolution? Or decrease or what?

CCC is a mod for crysis that changes the quality of graphics. Cuban Ultima config.
Sorry CCC also stands for Catalyst control centre used by ATI drivers. Increase the resolution as it puts a greater work load on your graphics card. You should always have the resolution at the native resolution of the monitor. What size monitor do you have?

Well that sucks on the mobo front. Are you certain that it won't run at x16 because there should be the option to change it in the bios. You should have really returned the mobo as that is misrepresentation.

Have you tried playing Crysis without the graphics mod as it could be causeing issues.

I checked WIC benchmarks used with the 9600gt and at you settings you should be getting around 50fps. So it seems as though there is something definately wrong.

Have you got the latest chipset drivers and bios for your mobo?
Thank god, I'm not delusional! 😀
Ok, uh my monitor is a 17" CRT, so my native resolution doesn't exist. I set it at 1600x1200, it did increase the fps by 3 or so.

Without the graphics mod, its worse, so that isn't a problem.

The latest bios is 2 years old, and the latest chipset doesn't exist I believe.
what chipset is it? maybe the chipset manufacturer has a newer bios than the motherboard manufacturer. Jetway is one of the manufacturers I avoid due to bad experience...

The bios is down to the manufacturer I as it is brand specific. However you are correct on the chipset drivers. They are standard. So use cpuz and check the mobo section to see what chipset you have.
I would worry about the drivers breaking anything. They are software only. The most they will do is cause some errors. In which case you can remove them. Besides drivers re generally made for a chipset rather than a specificly branded mobo.
Dont buy cheap parts to play a badass game.
Mobo junk
CPU junk
PSU is junk if it is a no name brand that came with caes.

You think a 300 dollar system is gonna keep up with a 1000 system? Come on.
To find out if the bios are the same cpuz tells you the version of the bios so make sure its a later version. If its the same version then don't bother. There are tools you can use to update your bios in windows or the safest way is to update through dos.

TBH I have only just noticed that you are on an AM2 board. There are plenty of good cheap am2 boards out there you really might be better off buying a new mobo because the one you currently have sounds like a right ball ache.

The psu seems fine.
The cpu certainly isn't junk.
The mobo is junk.

I don't see how he has overstretched his targets. They seem very reasonable. But the system does seem to be underachieving.

I can't believe I forgot. The most obvious thing to do is to run 3d mark 06. That way you can compare your score to other people with similar systems. Its one of the easiest ways to troubleshoot.
The CPU certainly is junk on todays standards. Its great gor a every day machine or yesteryears games, but it is time for "INTEL" The e2160 will spank the 4000 x2+

Everytime I see someone here complaining why is my score not as high as everyone else. I look at their CPU and it is an AMD 4xxx x2+ series.

If you want the high numbers jump on the Intel wagon.