Reboot and defrag the HD then reboot again.
Uninstall the driver for the GXF,reboot.
Clean the registry,defrag the -->registry<-- and reboot.
Now install the GFX driver,reboot set the res,reboot and defrag the HD it's self again.
The votages you say your HD have are screwy (perhaps a typo and you ment AMPS rather than VOLTS)...using Vista is never going to be helpful when it comes to drivers even if the said drivers are for Vista.
Vista is not just slower than XP it is a ram hog. The more ram you have the more it will use up to 4GB. At 4GB of ram it uses up almost 25%.
Find a copy of XP insatll it and see how well and much faster your system runs.
I have 2GB of ram...can run all me 3 security programs,leave two web pages open,run six torrents while playing a game and never use more than 59% of my ram according to Asus Probe II.