9600pro problem


Sep 20, 2002
Hi I got a friend who just bought a ati 9600pro, upgrading from a geforce2 ti, he uninstalled the nvidia drivers, then reboot and his system won't boot into windows.

I've tried helping him over the phone as he lives like 4hrs away from me. I've suggested trying to boot in safe mode or to the last known good configuration, and the same won't get to windows (Windows XP BTW)

He said that he think he saw xxxxx32.dll was missing but could not remember which file it was. I then asked him to try booting of the cd and repairing the system but he's having problems with this.

I could have him totally reinstall windows :D as that is what i normally do when changing from a nVidia to Ati card or vica-versa, but i wanted to try and get it working before he did this.

If he could find out what file was missing could I get him to copy the file from the cd to the system folder???

Anyways thanks for any help

ps. if you got anyother suggestion please post,


Makes me wonder...

HOW did he uninstall the nvidia drivers?

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Sep 20, 2002
Not got a clue but i think he used add/remove programs, or he coulda used unistall drivers from the device manager. Well thats what I'm hoping.

Maybe windows said it lloks like this shared file is nolonger needed do you want to delete it, and of course the file is probably a system file :)


Sep 20, 2002
Ok got abit more info,

He uninstalled the drivers from add/remove programs but there was 2 nvidia entrys there after he uninstalled 1 he rebooted and thats when he got the problems.

When is comp now starts up he gets scandisk asking if he wants his drive e: to be scann this drive is the one with his programs installed on. If he accepts the scan disk it checks the partition e: then when finished blocks on the result screen, if he declines scandisks offer to scan the comp locks up as well.

In safemode it does the same but i think he said scandisk start automatically.

Again thanks for any help


Find out if he's got an old BIOS version on his motherboard, and get him to flash it if there's a newer one.

He'll need another computer for that though, to make the floppy...

Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529
Also check and make sure his MOBO supports at least 4X AGP. It seems like a sure thing, but if it dosn't you're not going anywhere with that card.

Just a thought.

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I sort of assumed, but he *did* try to reboot with the Geforce2...


Radeon 9500 (modded to PRO w/8 pixel pipelines)
AMD AthlonXP 2000+
3dMark03: 3529


Sep 20, 2002
Ya I told him to do that, and it does the same with the geforce 2

His system is new he just upgraded to a Intel P4 2.6C and a Abit IC7 mobo he's got a sb audigy i think and he's got 2 hdd's can't remember the make think ones a seagate and the newer one can't remember.

Thanks for the help guys, if anyone got any other suggestions please feel free to add them.

Think it's because of the dll thats missing although he doesn't know which one, if i can get him to give(findout/remeber) which dll is missing i could get him to copy it of the windows cd to his system folder in dos.

thanks again guys