965P-DQ6 Rev 2.0 Memory issue and Question


Feb 23, 2007
I recently put together my first 100% unstable system that I have ever built. Basically here is the major issue. The RAM runs 100% stable if it is in all in the same bank (Non-Dual Channel) I bought The Kingston 1g Chips that Giga-Bytes web site states are compatible. I do not overclock. Everything was at Normal settings.

When I put the RAM into Dual Channel configuration. The Board will randomly generate a BSOD with a BCCODE 124 (Or was it 224) at 1.8v. If I up the voltage to 1.875 volts the frequency of these crashes DRAMATICALLY decreases. At 1.8v it's about every 30m - 60m that it crashes to a BSOD. at 1.875 volts it's once about every 3 hours. At 1.9v it happens every faster and faster. NOTE that if the RAM is not in Dual Channel mode, it NEVER happens.

My question is pretty basic. Does anyone know what might be causing this?

I tried the timings at defaults for the SPD and for the RAM at all voltages. I am about to order a new board. To I bother getting a new DQ6? Will I run into this again with all of them cause I'm doing something wrong? Help if you can... please.

The first port of call for memory issues is without doubt running a program called memtest (aside from returning all settings to default of course, which you have done).


Burn it to a cd using the iso (if you have a cd spare, if not then there's also a floppy image) and boot after power on to cd using your boot options menu (F12 for example). Let memtest run an entire pass of each of the following configurations, come the end you will have enough information to establish what the problem is...if it isnt glaringly obvious by a failure!!

Start with the easiest and work up, if a failure occurs, run it again to be sure.

1) Single stick in every port. This usually means 8 runs as most people have two sticks and 4 ports.

2) Both sticks in ports not assigned to dual channel (i.e not same colour)

3) Both stick in ports assigned to dual chanel (i.e same colour)

By now you will know if the problem is a stick or a port and your RMA options are much easier. BTW, each run can take around 40 mins so be prepared!
I already ran Memtest for 16 hours, both with dual channel and single channel. No failures during that process. The BSOD seems to occur during world of warcraft, and gaming for the most part. But I didn't mention that because the conditions are the same regardless.

Dual Channel = Crash
Single Stick or all 1 bank = No crash

If was a driver issue, wouldn't the crash happen regardless of the RAM config. And the fact the stability is nearly perfect (But not 100%) witht he volts at 1.875... is that pointing towards maybe a bad timing occilator? Or heaven forbid the main processor? I did run some Prime95 stress test as well now. It froze up in about 3 minutes. But the heat levels where well below standard. 40c ish with the Zalman 9500 cooler.

I don't know, I like the features of this board, but so far it's been a head ache.
