alkatraz333.jh :
Okay, so i know the 9900k hits almost 215 watts on a 4.9 frequency. Ive seen a few people hitting 5.0 ghz with only a single 8 pin, but on paper that seems impossible to me, being that an 8 pin only supports up to 235 watts. Does anyone have one, or know for sure if it'll hit 5.0 ghz on a single 8 pin or not?
Just finished assembling my new rig last nite, and had no issues at 4.9 - need to tweak it some, airflow and voltages wise
but on my Asrock Taichi mobo there's a spare 4 pin power socket next to the 8 pin.
I called into Asrock Tech support about that 4 pin socket and was told it's there as some folks like the additional power for extreme OCing. I told the tech i was getting ready to assembly my rig with a 9900k cpu and he said unless i was planning on going LN2 and really boosting the CPU, that it wasn't necessary
and again, i saw no issues last night at 4.9 MHz, so i suspect it's not really necessary - but i ordered a custom 4 pin PSU cable just to make sure
someone else with a Z390 MSI motherboard posted asking about his board having a spare 4 pin power socket, so i suspect all the Z390 boards have one