Hello everybody, I have a question I feel this great community could answer.
Straight to the point, I'm currently using a gtx 280 (its ok but outdated) Looking to upgrade to something a little cheaper around 150$ that support Directx11 so I can actually play Middle earth shadow of mordor and dying light as my pc wont even start them up atm.
I plan on getting a GTX 970 but it will be after my child is born in june, However I need a quick fix XD
I got 2 (6 pin) and 2 (8 pin) connectors if that makes a difference.
Thank you
Straight to the point, I'm currently using a gtx 280 (its ok but outdated) Looking to upgrade to something a little cheaper around 150$ that support Directx11 so I can actually play Middle earth shadow of mordor and dying light as my pc wont even start them up atm.
I plan on getting a GTX 970 but it will be after my child is born in june, However I need a quick fix XD
I got 2 (6 pin) and 2 (8 pin) connectors if that makes a difference.
Thank you