To say, that all is for whats being said, is probably as well said for what is said of it all, but to say of the article though, Its is interesting. Given the fact of folding and etc as well, to say. The thought of idea within lego and interest of use with choices a hardware probably, without saying that a specific interest is in mind but maybe more of one then none to say. Legos are modular.
I would say in terms of concepts and works applied very practical. Cause what lego project was something that was an actual finite? You could do the Shuttle i think and Saturn Rockets of course, but still was left without the Hangars, and the some of the docks sometimes. But were all still nefty, right? So of the thought at least, if ever placed really on the fact of legos alone, to say, that this isnt done or finished is probably an understood value of the fact of it.
So with what is there, is more then none, right? So of that idea should be something at least. Otherwise i would think in the whole terms of idea within it all, outside the fact of folding@Home or whatever. Be fairly placed for what it all is.
Obviously the parts of taken are in lack on all parts though. But of the system though what probably isnt, is something to fold with.
But of all, usually takes fund or money to work with, yes? Somehow someway, and better off your then someone elses? Well, in terms of some gains against others, someone elses is always better.