A.I. Cluster Desk

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May 8, 2009
Im no traitor I still have AMD in the build!!! Im trying as fast as I can! As for the 1156 boards well lets just say I can get more done with them. I am not really a fanboy of either AMD or Intel I just like to get my work done super fast. Hence the use of a clustered system!


Apr 25, 2010

Interesting concept...a desktop that is also a touch screen monitor? Like the top executive's desk in the movie Tron. Anyway, if you or anyone else is interested I have some touch screens laying around. 1 type is: 3M Brand Microtouch Touchscreens R517.012 17inch, the other is smaller same brand R412.110 Rev. B I have 100+ of the smaller ones but only 4 of the 17". animal76772m@yahoo.com


Jun 26, 2009
Hey xtc, what up man? haven't talked to you in a while...
Stop by ovaclockers some time...(actually we have officially switched to frozentec.com)

The screens sound tight! I would wanna try something like this maybe in the future...
Gotta get a nice desk first though...


The one thing that concerns be about your build is all your boards are mounted to metal...as soon as something live touches it, thats it, not to mention the fact it's on carpet....I hope you have the desk grounded to something.


May 8, 2009
Well it was grounded and still fried stuff....... Im not going to mount in the same way the next go round ..... if there is a next time...... Hmmmmm You never know what ill come up with next ........... but deffinitley not mounted to metal!! :(


May 8, 2009

Glad to hear you guys finally came to your senses ... :kaola:


Jun 26, 2009
Well it sounds more professional...
Actually now we switched to a paid server and frozentek.com
with a k instead of a c...kinda like realtek...lol
We are also currently remaking the site on a new system to make it better...
but for the time being the older one is in operation...if you haven't seen it you should check it out...the one we're working on right now is not official though...(not yet...lol)

Anyway, I got that IC Diamond 24 Carat heat paste that IC Diamond was giving away...I will repaste my cpu soon...and I already repasted my graphics card and it dropped my temps down reasonably...
Btw, any news with your desk? I haven't seen you online in a while...
Just like I rarely see OvrClkr as he became a mod here and is really busy as I would guess...


May 8, 2009
Yes I have been so busy............. so very busy that my projects have taken a side road to business progress. I have since changed everything in the desk again and now am only running two PC's. The two PCs are screwed to the sides of both desks. The case on the left is an Antec 902 with an AMD 6 core on a 790xt 8gigs of DDR3 1800, 4870x2+4870 Tri-fired. The right hand is a modified Thermal take XASER V case (modified to open and display components from the right of the case instead of the left. It is running a Q9400 OC'd to 3.8 on an MSI Nvidia 780i board, 8 gigs Gskill DDR2 1066 OC'd to 1366, 3 9800GTX's Tri-sli'd. My Idea to mount all of these components directly to the frame of this desk has FAILED misserably for now. There is more coming for this build but not yet. I am going to upload some pics of the new setup tonight. It is pretty cool. Although I dont have the XASER case finished completely yet, It still has a BS case in its place right now. I will also upload pics of the work in progress on the XASER V MOD.


May 8, 2009

Output to TV's is controlled by extended desktops and virtual machines. I guess I could run relays or something to control the on/off functions.

Not just Blu-Ray all the media on the massive 8Tb of HDD space. I think that if anyone wants to know about the problems that I have come in contact with on this would shuold read this page and the previous page. there are many risks involved and this why I am enclosing the desk with UV Blue Acrylic and ground isolating the components from the desk.... Hard to explain in short words BUB!
As for my comment ..... I have unintentionally shorted components while installing something else ... yeah yeah unplug everything.... I forgot about the monitor that HAD its components bare to be seen I touched it while holding another component right as I placed it into its slot in the motherboard ... FIZZ ..... POP ..... and a pretty good jolt through me to the desk. fried a ton of stuff. Ooops so sue me.... Im human. AND an idiot for not unpluging them. I have kids too and this thing is in my home office ... MUST be enclosed for the new boards.


Jun 26, 2009
reminds me of how I fried a power supply while switching the fan in it...
I shocked myself too...not only that, but I got a burn on the finger that touched part
of the psu circuit board...
The shock was jolting and woke me up...left me shaking for a while and the burn
hurt like hell...and the psu didn't work...lol...but that happende a while ago...
I was busy too lately...I had to fix three computers over the weekend...
It was fun though in a way...
I got to fix the hp pavilion dv900 laptop which had an overheated graphics card...
Lol..learned a lot about these laptops when i was fixing it as i looked it up on the
internet...and found this... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bnkQNmKauEc
lol...I ended up buying a pen torch (pencil torch) just to fix it...