[SOLVED] a website (tvtime.com) somehow scraped my email after I visited it just once and is now emailing me. how's this possible?

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Jan 12, 2014
I visited a website called tvtime.com from a google search, then I saw it's not the website I wanted and then I clicked away and closed the tab (google chrome). Then a couple of hours later, I got an email from no-reply@tvtime.com on my personal email address saying "Hi, Anonymous! Please confirm your email address" with a 'Confirm my email' button in the email. I have NO idea how this is possible and it's the first time in all my life that I encounter this. I'm on the internet all day long and I've visited probably thousands of websites and never has a website been able to scrape my email like this. Does anyone how any insight? Perhaps you can visit the website and see if it happens to you too? I'm not good with 'inspect element' but I'm certain that this website is somehow illegally scraping info from a browser addon or something like that. Apparently the website is owned by 'Whip Networks, Inc.|1841 Centinela Ave. Santa Monica, CA 90404'.

I'm slightly freaked out because I don't see how this can be legal. I didn't give this company my email, much less permission to use and store my email.
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