A10 7850K and Asus Radeon R7 240 dual graphics/crossfire

Hi JBBill,

This cannot be done, you're talking about linking your CPU onboard graphics with dedicated GPU's I take it?
If you have two of the same GPU, like the Radeon R7 240, those two can be linked to work in tandem with crossfire but not the on board graphics.

Sorry to break the news to you,

Hi JBBill,

This cannot be done, you're talking about linking your CPU onboard graphics with dedicated GPU's I take it?
If you have two of the same GPU, like the Radeon R7 240, those two can be linked to work in tandem with crossfire but not the on board graphics.

Sorry to break the news to you,

I was told at the store that the GPU part of my A10 7850K APU could crossfire with the R7 240 graphics someone else please help I know people have done it somehow
Usually xfire/dual graphics problems with amd can be fixed by removing all amd drivers with the utility on amd's site and restart the install latest catalyst drivers. R7 240 and R7 250 are both compatible in dual graphics. I'm typing this on a 7850k with an asus R7 250 in dual graphics mode.

YES it is possible to run R7 240 with A10 CPU, Just download AMD catalyst software and install latest graphic driver for R7 240 graphics card,once you restart the system,Open AMD catalyst(at this point it will automatically popup a dual graphic wizard) or somewhere in software there is a option to set Graphic properties to use both the graphic cards, Just make sure you have a RAM with 2133 or higher frequency for better performance of APU

Sorry I know I am late but I created an account just to answer this. To enable dual graphics go to bios, advanced, northbridge NB, dual monitor enable and Igfx on auto. Do not have force memory switched on. Restart your pc and you should have dual graphics. Worked for me! I have paired my A10-7870k with a Asus R7240 on Asus A88xm-A mobo
This is called dual graphics technology, slightly different with crossfire in terms of hardware but works basically the same. The software included upon purchasing R7 240 should do the trick. Just install your graphics card, install the driver, and you can see the dual graphics option on the display settings.