A8N-SLI vs A8N32-SLI Deluxe


Jun 16, 2006
Im torn beween the 2, theres about $100 diffrence beween the 2 but i can afford it (Not to brag haha) but i wanted to know if the price would give that much of a diffrence when i won't be running SLI untill i get a little extra moneys. The spec will be:

AMD 4400+ X2
1gig ram 2x512 (Possable 2x1024)
Asus 7900 GT
250Gig Sata II hard drive

Ya know, I haven't seen any real-world benchies on the difference between SLI 8x+8x and 16x+16x, which would be the difference between these mobos.
I have heard (don't quote me on this) that as far as the cards we currently have at our disposal, we aren't hardly making much difference between single 8x and 16x ... dunno someone fill me in.
What he replyed is right on only difference is 8 vs 16 so if you are running say the 7900 or 7950 gtx you will see a big difference on the a8n32sli if you will be running a slower card probably not.

i have A8n32sli-deluxe 4200+ 64x2 2GB 500mhz ballistiks ram
7900 gtx xxx 512 video card with the antec 550 neo ps antec case thermaltake big water SE and i am running 8 fans all together

I love the sli but i am planning to get another 7900 gtx xxx when it becomes neccesary in the near future.
Im torn beween the 2, theres about $100 diffrence beween the 2 but i can afford it (Not to brag haha) but i wanted to know if the price would give that much of a diffrence when i won't be running SLI untill i get a little extra moneys. The spec will be:

AMD 4400+ X2
1gig ram 2x512 (Possable 2x1024)
Asus 7900 GT
250Gig Sata II hard drive


Based on what I've read in these forums and my own personal choices I'd recommend the A8N32-SLi Deluxe or the A8N-SLi Premium. In the long run, I think you'll be way happier with a board that does not have cheap sleeve-bearing chipset fan on the north bridge. Motherboard manufacturers just don't seem to put quality fans on the chipsets which means its going to get loud and fail sooner than you'd think.
If you decide to only use a single graphics, is it using the full x16 or is it at x8? Also, it seems to me that there are fewer and fewer non-SLI mobos being developed. Will we all need to get and SLI mobo to get the top end features?
If you decide to only use a single graphics, is it using the full x16 or is it at x8?
If you're using a single PCI-e x16, it will run at that speed (though it will most likely NOT use the entire bandwidth)

Also, it seems to me that there are fewer and fewer non-SLI mobos being developed. Will we all need to get and SLI mobo to get the top end features?

It seems that the SLI and X-fire chipsets are far superior to single PCI-e x16 mobos. For instance, DFI makes a few single single PCI-e x16 boards, and then they have the Lanparty series, which is been proven TOP quality in their line.
Agreed, we'll need to see more powerful cards that will stress the PCIe bus to really see the difference between 8x8 and 16x16. To be honest, I'm glad I chose the a8n32. I plan on keeping this rig for a long time and when I finally decide to upgrade the GPUs I think I'll be a happy camper.
For a $100, the difference on performance of both x8 and x16 is not worth it. But with the expensive mobo you can overclock the cpu with very stable performance. As for the graphics cards it doesn't make much difference. So if u plan on overclocking the cpu then get the high end mobo.
Im torn beween the 2, theres about $100 diffrence beween the 2 but i can afford it (Not to brag haha) but i wanted to know if the price would give that much of a diffrence when i won't be running SLI untill i get a little extra moneys. The spec will be:

AMD 4400+ X2
1gig ram 2x512 (Possable 2x1024)
Asus 7900 GT
250Gig Sata II hard drive


I want to swap out my MSi Sli board and get an ASUS A8N 32 Sli. 16x video x 2 adapters and 8 stage voltage regulators. makes a ton of difference. You get what you pay for. Want my MSI Deluxe Sli board? I'd take that Asus board any day anyway.
For a $100, the difference on performance of both x8 and x16 is not worth it. But with the expensive mobo you can overclock the cpu with very stable performance. As for the graphics cards it doesn't make much difference. So if u plan on overclocking the cpu then get the high end mobo.

I gotta agree. I have A8n32 and Im really happy with it. When it comes to overclocking it you have to do a little research because of the terms they use in the BIOS, but it has a lot of features.
The board may say it can support x16 sli, but no board currently out there produced by anyone, that i know of, actually can support that, they are all still just x8 electrical, so it's really not worth it.
Don't get either of those get this its a better M/B, better layout, look at the M/B layout yourself and compare before making a decision, active chipset cooling, better location of clear CMOS jumper, usable lower PCI slots, [Note: You loose the use of the PCI slot next to the PCI-E slots because of the video card cooler], good O/Cer. Nuff Said!!! 😀
A8N32-SLI Deluxe or A8N-SLI Premium

My thoughts are:
The A8N-SLI and the A8N-SLI Deluxe have active cooling and there are numerous complaints about the fans used!
The A8N32-SLI Deluxe or A8N-SLI Premium use heat pipes for chipset cooling.

Now if your not going to use SLI then the A8R32-MVP Deluxe is another way to go.

A_M Sig of the Moment!
Don't get either of those get this its a better M/B, better layout, look at the M/B layout yourself and compare before making a decision, active chipset cooling, better location of clear CMOS jumper, usable lower PCI slots, [Note: You loose the use of the PCI slot next to the PCI-E slots because of the video card cooler], good O/Cer. Nuff Said!!! 😀

Naaaaa. You know what I see when I look @ that?

A chipset fan.

Eeeeeewwww... ...and chipset fans smell funny too. 8O
LMAO awesome sig.

Trueness about the chipset fan. I have heard thusfar nothing but bitching on how they WILL eventually die, and are a major pain in the ass to replace, so you might as well get the passive cooling on the premium model.