access denied after moving file



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

If I move a file, so far this has happened for gps- and
music files, after moving them from one folder to
another, I cannot alter (ie view, edit listen etc.), move
or delete the file. It says acces denied, that they are write protected or
another program is using it. The latter is impossible. I am using the
administrator account in windows xp.

There's no security tab popping up after right-mouse click, so taking
ownership will not help. I think something has gone corrupted during moving
the files.



Archived from groups: microsoft.public.windowsxp.hardware (More info?)

To take ownership, you may have to do this in Safe Mode. Also, try
killing Explorer with Task Manager, then use Command Prompt to do what
you want with the file, then open Explorer back up.

Nathan McNulty

Ton wrote:
> If I move a file, so far this has happened for gps- and
> music files, after moving them from one folder to
> another, I cannot alter (ie view, edit listen etc.), move
> or delete the file. It says acces denied, that they are write protected or
> another program is using it. The latter is impossible. I am using the
> administrator account in windows xp.
> There's no security tab popping up after right-mouse click, so taking
> ownership will not help. I think something has gone corrupted during moving
> the files.
> Thanks,