Question Accessing work server from home

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Jan 14, 2020
Hello to all! I am currently trying to access my office network as if my laptop was connected in that network. I am using hamachi and an office computer as a gateway. In order to access the work webpages i need to use specific dns servers, Although i set it up and it does connect to the work webpages the connection is painfully slow. Although i use a static address with the same default gateway and the same dns servers as all the other computers in my office network , the pages load really slow. By the way, in order to connect my work computer to hamachi i used an office proxy we have to establish thatconnection in my office because most of the ports are closed. Does anyone have an alternative way so that i can access the webpage of the home server ?
When i am using remote desktop software such as anydesk (also with proxy) it goes fast. I just want to put both computers, my home and the office in work , that is the reason i am asking!
Thank you in advance
The whole network was built by an outside company and the people currently working in the it are not really into networking. I am just looking for something faster? than hamachi or any other alternative. I have already established the connection but as i said it is painfully slow!
Identify the problem before applying a solution.

To recommend "faster", the reason for "slow" needs to be determined.
Given a day or two onsite, many of us could figure out what is going on.

But from out here, it is pretty hard to recommend anything.
The connection via hamachi apparently works. But what is the limiting factor?
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