So the title says it all. I've ordered the non OC version of the ASUS STRIX 980 Ti, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121979, and I want to know if I should return it for the OC version or keep it and OC it myself? Is there any disadvantages not having the OC version? Is it hard to OC it by myself? Maybe there's someone with the same card and can help me OC it?
I may be overreacting it, but I'm really frustrated for doing this mistake. I'm afraid I might not be able to achieve what the OC version is able to do.
P.S.: I can't cancel the order. I realized what I did when they sent me the tracking number.
EDIT: Okay. I have reached the cards OC limit without messing with voltage within a week. 68.1% ASIC. ( lame )
So the title says it all. I've ordered the non OC version of the ASUS STRIX 980 Ti, http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814121979, and I want to know if I should return it for the OC version or keep it and OC it myself? Is there any disadvantages not having the OC version? Is it hard to OC it by myself? Maybe there's someone with the same card and can help me OC it?
I may be overreacting it, but I'm really frustrated for doing this mistake. I'm afraid I might not be able to achieve what the OC version is able to do.
P.S.: I can't cancel the order. I realized what I did when they sent me the tracking number.
EDIT: Okay. I have reached the cards OC limit without messing with voltage within a week. 68.1% ASIC. ( lame )