Question Account not linking correctly with Windows 10


Jun 11, 2018
Hello. I need help.

I am changing motherboards, from a B350 to a B450. In order to do this and to still be able to use my Windows license I understand that I must link my Windows 10 account with my Microsoft account and that under Settings -> Activation it must read:

Windows is activated with a digital license linked to your Microsoft account.

My problem is that I have created my Microsoft account and linked it with my Windows 10 account but it simply reads:

Windows is activated

I have restarted several times but it has not changed. Under administrator I am shown as signed into my Microsoft account but because the full sentence is missing I am worried that something is wrong with the link between the two accounts and that I will not be able to reactivate Windows on the new mobo. When I log in to my Microsoft account it does correctly show my computer details though. I am confused. Can anyone help?
Setup a Microsoft Account and link your current PC to it , then backup whatever you want to save and perform a clean install on your new SSD and activate it with your Microsoft account from within windows. Skip the key entry during setup and activate it from within windows with the registered Microsoft Account.

Setup a Windows 10 Account ^

Create a USB installer here ^
Reactivating Windows 10 after a hardware change

You have to logon into windows with your MS account (not "Administrator" account). Your MS account needs to have administrator role assigned.

I am logged into Windows with my MS account and it says that I am the administrator in the Settings. The only other option it gives me is to Sign in with a local account instead. What should I change?
Do you have multiple MS accounts on your pc with administrator privileges?

I only have one MS account on the PC. I am the only user. On start up there is only the option to log in using the MS account I created, this account is also the administrator.

I installed Windows 10, activated it, then created a MS account and attempted to link it to my Windows 10 key. In that order.

Should I have linked the MS account from a local account which was not the admin?
If you have a retail key ( windows is not oem, preinstalled) that activated the current install, after the new installation, you plug that # into the "change product key" dialogue box on the activation page . It will then say, windows is activated with a digital licence.


On second thought , MS might screw this approach up in ways I won't go into.
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Under your info in Account settings , does it say manage your Microsoft account.
Does it say sign in with a local account instead?

Yes, it says both of these things.

It says:

Your info
[my email address associated with MS account]
Billing info, family settings, etc....
Manage my Microsoft Account
Sign in with a local account instead

Under Activation it only says "Windows is activated" and does not give me any option for logging into or linking my MS account
Then it sounds like it setup correctly or it would have said sign in with your MS account instead. Are you also verified in the settings?

I believe so. There is no option to verify under Settings -> Your info / Email & accounts.

Could it be that I only linked the MS account today and it needs more time before it changes the Activation sentence? I am afraid to start the build process without knowing if I'll be able to use this Windows key.