Acer aspire x3810 processor upgrade


Oct 18, 2009
hi, i was wondering if it is possible to upgrade my acer aspire x3810 Intel® Core™2 Duo processor to Intel® Core™2 Quad processor (up to 95 W) and it has 64-bit processing with windows 7 64bit

i a not sure what one i will need to be able to upgrade and i hope i can get some help thank you.
Though I wont suggest investing $180 in that PC.
A Q8400 would be good.
But Why upgrade? You wont see a sustancial performance jump in everyday software even with a quad.

is there a way to get more performance out of a duo core ? cause right now i use Photoshop cs5 and it lags when i use the brush, and i have the core 2 duo with 8gb memory and 15tb hard drive all together from my 2 external 5 tb hard drive and one 3tb external hard drive and my two 1tb hard drives inside. my monitor is my wacom cintiq, and my 42in vizio hdtv and i am not 100% sure why i am so laggy, should i uninstall things i dont use, i have used the system tools yet i still get lagg... i hope i can get some help i have the 64bit on windows 7 home premium.
What core 2 duo do you have?

Do you have a dedicated GPU that might be your problem with your lags photoshop uses openGL drawing which would normally be processed by a video card but it looks like your system comes with just onboard graphics which would explain your lags. Try turning OpenGL off by going to Edit>Preferences>Performance then Select Advanced Settings, and deselect all the options inthe GL Settings dialog box. Click OK then restart photoshop if that fixes the lag then a dedicated video card would be a better upgrade.

i am not using the onboard graphics i am useing: ASUS ENGT220/DI/1GD2(LP) GeForce GT 220 1GB 128-bit DDR2 PCI Express 2.0 x16 HDCP

ok i have:

Pentium (r) dual-core cpu e5200 .....