Question Acer Nitro 5 suddenly slow for no apparent reason that I can find ?

Jul 18, 2021
Alright. To start out with, I'm gonna list my specs. i5 10300H 2 core 4 threads, I had installed 32gb of GSkill ram so the cpu could quit throttling while trying to turbo, GTX 1650.

So starting a few weeks ago. I have no idea what the catalyst was but I was able to play Hunt just fine on the lowest graphics possible then all of a sudden I've started to notice my sound cuts out and within the last couple days I've been dealing with some severe lag spikes and the lag spikes aren't just in Hunt, I've been noticing it with other games like Star Wars The Old Republic, Star Trek Online, Paladins, Elite Dangerous (when I can get the damn thing to load up through it's launcher), and even Elder Scrolls Online. I had bought a really good 2tb nvme ssd that I added to it and that's serving as my game library.

I have downloaded every antivirus software to try that I can find that friends and family use. I've tried about 8 different programs and THEY ALL come up clear. I've done some testing via the windows command prompt and other then it taking it's sweet time, it doesn't pick up anything. No corruption, no nothin. I've even scanned both primary and secondary drives to see if there were any bad segments or whatever and there is absolutely NOTHING that anything is picking up.

I'm at the point to where I'm just going to violently kill windows and replace it with Linux because I am just so frustrated beyond belief that I can't get anything to work right and I'm almost dead set on it being a stupid windows problem. I miss windows 7. I have never had this many issues while using win7. Before anyone askes, no I didn't keep all those antivirus programs. I deleted them completely so I wouldn't have so many programs trying to clash with one another. I have also done MULTIPLE fresh and clean installs of windows 10, having the support make it so I can keep using the same windows key so I'm not using an illegitimate OS.


Update your post to include full system hardware specs and OS information.

Include PSU: make, model, wattage, age, condition.

Disk drives: make, model, capacity, how full?

Run Resource Monitor, Task Manager, and Process Explorer (free via Microsoft's website).

Use all three but only one at a time.

Observe system performance and see what happens (or stops happening) when the slow behavior occurs. Do comparisons between system idling, light work/browsing, and gaming.

Also check Reliability History and Event Viewer. Windows may be capturing some error code or other even prior to or at the time of the slow downs.
Jul 18, 2021
Starting with PSU information (I always keep it plugged in since I don't go anywhere)

Device Name: AP18E8M
Manufacturer Name: LGC
Serial Number: 37000
Designed Capacity: 57488 mWh
Full Charged Capacity: 54793 mWh
Wear Level: 4.7 %
HWiNFO apparently isn't able to capture drive information. But the main drive is the one that CAME with the Acer Nitro 5 and the second one is an XPG GAMMIX nvme ssd. Info on it is as follows.
Write Speed: 3000MB/s
Read Speed: 3500MB/s
The nvme the laptop came with is 250gb cap with 48.7gb free as there is only 1 single game on it. The nvme I added is a 2tb with 911gb free.

I always run task manager in tandem but it always shows cpu at 100% with Hunt pulled up. During spikes in every other game I know for sure I shouldn't be having any issues with period it will spike to 100% for a second or 2 then drop back down and sit anywhere between 50 and 80 (Normal levels for SWTOR and STO) 30 to 60 for Paladins, 60 to 90 for Elite Dangerous. I would have to sit and run ESO to get normals for that game. When not gaming at all and just browsing, cpu will sit anywhere between 4 to 30 depending on what I am doing browser side.

Upon opening of Event Viewer, the first windows logs I check is application and the only abnormalities I see is with Killer Control Center (never works or stays on anyways so I have no clue why I even keep it) and it's just a bunch of unhandled exceptions. Security, Setup all check out with nothing going wrong. System is where I see a bunch of warnings with the same source, DistributedCOM. I count a total of 36. I quit scrolling after I hit the 13th of this month. 1 Error the day before regarding "The Gaming Services service terminated unexpectedly. It has done this 1 time). No further errors dating back to the 13th

Gave the entire day to testing and picked up vanilla minecraft as well for testing purposes and I lag there as well. If I need to do more, please let me know. I've never been able to get win10 work properly where I used to be a wiz with win7.