Edit: I changed my mind on this particular monitor.
Except for the slower response time TFT Central mentioned it's pretty awsome
The below doesn't really apply here.
Hz are pointless without a matching FRAME RATE. 200hz gets you nothing if you can only average 60fps. Additional Hz contribute NOTHING visually or functionally. *Some* monitors fail with their emphasis on high resolutions / high Hz while ignoring frame rates. It's frame rates that do what people want (1) reduce stutter (2) decrease input lag (3) reduce blur. Hz only serve as their medium. You need both so don't fall for the marketing hype, like 20,000 dpi mice.
1080p @ 120fps vsync'd beats 1440p @ 60fps gsync'd every time:
1/2 the blur
1/2 the lag
no "below 40fps" stutter
What I mean is Hz are fine but only if you have horsepower to back it up. *Some* monitors make it impossible without SLI, All of which helps explains this:
every gamer in Battlefield 4 forums said that they use their monitors without G-Sync when gaming at 144hz, i asked them why and they all replied that it`s a pointless tech at that fps speed..