^^bingo....Freesync is free because it's cheap to be less than optimal
😉 It's cheaper to NOT fix all the issues the tech is supposed to address. Nvidia is DOING their job by addressing as much as they can to fix gamer's issues. By AMD's own admission they hope to "better" control the future selections of components to give a better user experience. The question is, will that even help? Until we get something that shows no issues that have been found in many reviews, the jury is still out and Gsync wins. $100-200 means nothing to me over 7yrs I own a monitor if the experience is REALLY better (and it's proven in this case).
Maybe AMD should stop spending on CONSOLES, so they have R&D for stuff like PC drivers etc?
Oh wait, they already did consoles. Hence the 82% Nvidia market share while AMD plummeted to under 20%.
The whiners are complaining because Nvidia is ACTIVELY seeking to woo PC gamers by throwing money at them with R&D, while AMD ignored us for a few years which is now showing up as bad drivers (took 8 months for a new driver since Dec2014!), 2nd hand gsync solution, behind in gpus, slapping on HBM (blue crystals in Intel speak) to try to make up for a slacker gpu etc. If the console money they spent to R&D PS4/Xbox1 chips would have been spent on GPU/CPU ~4yrs ago, we wouldn't be talking about AMD being dominated (probably) today on both cpu/gpu fronts. They wouldn't have needed HBM (as NV shows) and there wouldn't have been a shortage of the new gpus costing them yet another quarter of sales (more?).
I really hope ZEN is good, as it's looking more and more like NV will win my next gpu (which means a gsync monitor sold to me too). I already upgraded one PC with Intel (devils canyon), but hope to pass that to my dad and buy myself a ZEN assuming at least as good as Intel's at that moment. If it loses, sorry AMD, I'll go Intel AGAIN. You need to win, or I have ZERO love for your chip. Inexcusable to design from ground up for cpu and TIE, when you have 2x the die space to dedicate to DOMINANCE when stripping GPU out (IE, half of Intel's die is GPU!). It sounds like they aimed at where they thought Intel would be (TIE) when releasing this ZEN, but that is a mistake. They should have made the die the EXACT size of Intel's with cpu+GPU, and dominated with pricing power. Instead, they aimed for a tie (I hope I'm wrong), which Intel will just price to death for a year or two until they put out a winner again. If they put out a die anywhere under 1.5x Intel cpu side management should be fired PRONTO.
AMD is their own problem these days. I blame management, not the engineers. Management is making stupid decisions. If they made a die size 1/2 the size of Intel's Devil's canyon they deserve to lose yet again (meaning basically the size of JUST the cpu side). There is no reason to go small, when you could STILL use less material (1.5-2x cpu side of i7) and WIN decisively. I'd like to buy AMD stuff, but they just keep forcing me not to. If this cpu ends up in a tie, I'll take the watt winner then, no matter which side it is. AMD should force me to buy them by winning perf and matching watts of Intel's whole cpu/apu. IE, 80w PURE cpu. That would force Intel to bolt two of their cpu dies together (8 core) and end up like AMD now at 125w 8 core (FX 8350 now) etc. Intel 8 core would win in VERY few situations for a few years until Intel could R&D a REAL solution at 4 cores again. AMD could price all chips on TOP of Intel instead of Intel being able to price down a tie. Even slapping two cpu dies together would take Intel a while (and again, it would be 125w then and only win in stuff like ripping). They would lose for a year, slap two together (without gpus) and have a real solution 3yrs later giving AMD 3yrs (like last AMD victory) to price high and profit. Unlike last time, when they were limited to ~20% of the market due to production limits, AMD could really do some damage this time with a WINNER and larger die. Even 1.5x Intel cpu side saves on material and should be a winner, but it sounds like they went with basically the size of Intel's cpu side only which is STUPID. The material cost is stupidly cheap, if you can win for the same amount or not much less.
I hope rumors are wrong, and AMD really went BIG on die size. Intel would have margin problems if AMD went big and forces price cuts while already losing 4B+ on mobile. They are only able to do that due to margins on desktop/server stuff. I would spend $350+ on AMD if they decisively beat Intel's chip at that time next year. If they pocketed a Billion+ for the 3yrs it took Intel to engineer a large CPU only core, they could pay off their debt completely (200mil lost yearly on interest on that debt!). Management should be fired if they told cpu engineers "do whatever you want from ground up, but make sure it's small, like just the size of Intel's CPU side"...ROFL. This would be killing the whole point of letting engineers do what they wanted. The engineers were more than capable of making a winner (keller, paparmaster etc), the only question is did they put a small die size limit on those engineers? So again, Nvidia/Intel are not AMD's problem. Employees are not the problem at AMD either. Management is the problem. Dirk Meyer said in 2011 they needed a KING and they fired him for it...LOL. I hope they made a KING with ZEN.