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"Les" <> wrote in message
> Rich G. [] said
>> This place though is completely unofficial and there are no members of
>> the neopet team that read/post/address problems here in an official
>> capacity. It's possible they lurk here, I'd be surprised if they didn't.
> You surprise me as I cannot imagine that anyone from TNT would be
> remotely interested in a group frequented by no more than a couple of
> dozen people who mainly ask just each other for quest help, post that
> they have had a random event or give details of the latest avi, or say
> that turmy is awake.
> Oh, and there are those who just "whoop" in response to one or all the
> the previously listed items.
> Hardly riveting stuff.
All that is true, but so are ideas about how to change the site to make it
better (in our humble opinions of course), website referals, how to avoid
banners, BattleDome ideas, sometimes our real lives etc. So it all depends
on what the reference point is for 'riveting'.
At least Neopia is ever changing; I tried to get into JK Rowlings (I
probably spelt it wrong) NG. The tiniest deviation from what had already
been decided was met with "Google the subject, don't bother us". Not very
friendly IMHO. And yet there were hundreds of posts a day. It kind of
scared me away from author or book series NGs.
But my first NG was for General Hospital; actually it was for ABC Soaps, and
I had to set up OE to separate GH from other soaps. Being that it was a
huge group with subdivisions, they posted Nettiquette guides and NG guides
almost weekly. And most people followed the 'rules' because otherwise there
would have been chaos. I think ABC has something like 4 soap operas, all
with fans who may or may not watch more than one soap on ABC. It was a good
experience for me as a newbie, and the flame wars there were usually about
characters rather than spelling or nettiquette.
Pokemon on the other hand has had it's ups and downs. Flame wars there are
usually cross posted, and troll related. But since I have nobody to battle
in person, I really like finding out that the "useless" moves I used to just
sell are very usefull in person to person battles. There are people who rip
apart the games to figure out the very complicated maths that go into the
stats and battles and such. I like reading that stuff, even though I can't
really help out, except to take it all in and repost every time someone asks
about it again. But in some ways it's just as static as the Harry Potter
group, since the games can only come out so fast. But I haven't seen anyone
answer "Google the subject" before in this NG. Flame them, ignore them,
Most of the TV series that I like are short lived. Apparently I have
strange tastes, and other people don't like the shows I do.

But in my
experience TV show NGs tend to be more speculation about what will happen,
rehashing what has happened, and some on the actors lives and other works.
So where someone is coming from defines "riveting".