Adaptec 4, Plextor 8432 and new Mobo problems..



I have a plextor plexwriter 8432T (IDE) and i always used WinOnCD 3.6. But, since this program made audio cd´s of every cd i copied (also data cd's) with the cdcopy option, i switched to Adaptec easy cd creator 4.02.
It seems, that on my old mobo, it worked fine, although i recently made a 700Mb disk which can only be read on my pc. (strange..)

But, on my new Abit mobo with RAID and a Thunderbird 800, this adaptec software tells me i haven't got any CD burners installed, although it does find my plextor as being a CDRom drive.
I installed WinOnCD and it works ok, but why won´t adaptec work? i have got the newest updates and the writer seems to work ok with winoncd. I have no Harddisks connected to the ide ports, only to the raid controller, so the burner had all the ide stuff to itself... Adding a DVDRom drive to the ide port didn´t help, i first thought that maybe Adaptec needed an extra CDRom drive to work properly...



Dec 31, 2007
Hurm strange, no clue off hand but why not try downloading nero 5.0 from UNinstall adaptec(very important)
and install the nero and try it out. i actually bought nero
its a premium burning program.(30 day free trial 5meg dload)

Bored Certifed tech


Dec 31, 2007
I had this same problem with my SONY burner in adaptec.
by any chance did you try the directCD? It seemed that the direct CD locked the drive so I could not burn to it.

But at any hoot...if you uninstall both the DirectCD and Creator, boot into safe mode and remove all the devices under CD-ROM in device manager and reboot, adaptec....

It should see it as a burner again.



The second (third, fourth, fifth) time i installed Adaptec, i didn´t even bother to install the rest too. But perhaps i could try it again. What if windows reinstalled both drives without showing the "found new hardware" message? i am using windows 98 (not SE). I often remove items which magically reappear in my config screen after another boot.. That doesn´t help much when ya´re trying to solve something..

i also tried WinOnCD, but it tends to make audio CD´s out of everything you feed it while using the CD Copy option, nice if you are an audio freak, but i´m more into "Data" lately..
CDRWin seems to have given up, it failed to copy a data cd this morning, while it worked just fine last night.. another useless cd for expanding the pile i have of them next to my desk.. ;)

Perhaps i should try nero then...

Nah... I´ll try to remove everything then, and install adaptec one more time..


Did you check the dma setting on this burner in system properties? If your burner is not supposed to have dma turned on it will sometimes cause problems. I think that mobo is a via chipset is it not? do you have the 4in1 4.24a drivers installed for that mobo? also did you go to and get the latest patch for ez cd creator which may take care of your problem? and last up did you ck the plextor page for the latest firmware revision for your burner? sometimes this fixes compatibility problems and improves performance.


Just a thought, but you might try reinstalling the most up to date ASPI layer v4.6 from the Adaptec web site. That fixed my problem when I had a similar situation.

Good Luck!


I am assuming you have the via chipset with the abit board, perhaps the K7? I found I had to completely remove the via bus master drivers and install the windows drivers instead. The Via site has a detailed description of how to do this and it also mentions how to check your registry to ensure that you have succesfully removed the via drivers. I have the new PLextor burner and am having the same problems with the Adaptec software. I have updated everything mentioned in the previous posts and it wasn't until I followed the instructions from the via website in regards to the busmaster drivers.
give it a try maybe.....