Build Advice Advice on new build, starting with motherboard manufacturer, for touchscreens, floppy disks, which Windows version ?

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Aug 18, 2016

I have built a few PCs over the years, I built this one around 2010, and because its becoming a bit obsolete, time to build a new one with a complete overhaul, in the past I would recycle components, but this time I think I need to upgrade most things. I will only recycle the loudspeakers, mouse and keyboard.

the motherboard is the startpoint for building a PC, and this one's is by Gigabyte and is ATX.

I would firstly like advice as to which motherboard manufacturer, eg ones with more or better early startup facilities, eg ability to boot from USB drives. I also want ancient floppy disk support, because I have dabbled with writing software on floppy disks which boot directly without operating system. I dont know if all ATX's support the ancient floppy drives. Also a manufacturer whose motherboards are reliable.

this Gigabyte one has been good but after 13 years of use, the USB seems to sometimes malfunction for the wireless USB dongle, I think the USB support on the motherboard is somehow worn out. And eg hard drives attached to the USB hub attached to the machine will vanish.

I would also like legacy support for PS/2 mouse and keyboard, ie PS/2 sockets at the back for mouse and keyboard. Basically I want as much legacy hardware support as possible, as I have programmed PS2 mouse and keyboard directly for my floppy booting software. I know USB can emulate legacy, but I would like the legacy hardware directly.

Some months ago I bought a laptop with touchscreen and windows 11. I dont know if one can buy touchscreen monitors for PCs? Also can windows 10 support such, or does it have to be windows 11. As I would need to buy Windows also. I have some spare licensed copies of Windows 10 not yet installed, bought so they can be used when windows 10 is no longer supported.

Then advice on tower cases for the system, I would like a transparent one where I can see everything inside the machine without having to open up. But I would like one also which uses old school slotting, my existing one has nonstandard plastic things, which I find very confusing, and some have broken. I would like as many bays as possible, eg I have lots of SATA drives.

any advice on specific such tower cases, and specific UK vendors who sell these, I dont know if I am allowed to ask such advice on this forum. I found PC World no use for tower cases, and had problems finding anything any good on ebay.

with my existing machine, I found the expansion slots a bit cramped, where the graphics card is too near the slot I use for the USB3 adapter, I dont know if this is a limit of the ATX specification, or if it is a manufacturer design limitation. it would be nice if there were more space between the sockets.

This existing system, has various bare wire USB sockets on the motherboard, which I found a bit confusing to connect up, I would prefer proper USB sockets on the motherboard accessible at the back. But maybe all have this problem?

I think I would like DV-I and hdmi support, with my existing machine, its hdmi doesnt do audio, I dont know if newer machines have integrated audio into the hdmi, and what to look for to get hdmi with audio. that way I could record a session on the machine for say Youtube. I dont know if this is a graphics card question rather than a motherboard question, and if a graphics card question, advice on which graphics cards.

it is lots of questions, and the central question is which motherboard manufacturer, and the constraints of both ancient hardware eg floppies and ps/2 but also modern hardware eg touchscreens, which might constrain which version of windows or the graphics card etc.

with my touchscreen laptop, I found the early startup controls a bit limited, and it doesnt allow enough time for the external USB bluray drive to get ready to boot say Linux mint, I had to configure the hubs a certain way before I could get that to boot, which is a limitation of the early startup.

anyway, many thanks for any advice
First time i bought a curved panel it was because "that was the one in the store i could afford", and i had a PC with no monitor. I had just moved. So...

Like you i was wary but... i just kinda got used to it. Once it's perfectly normal to see the curved screen on a desk it just becomes a matter of using it like any other monitor.
You would have to take that risk.

Me? I later bought a new monitor and i wanted a curved one. It won me over. Not for immersion but just because it works for me. It was a 32" screen so having curvature would actually matter more than, say 24".
but only the more central area of vision is sharp, so the outer edges of the retina even if focussed are a bit vague. your eyes will focus on whatever is in the centre of your vision.

Spot on. That's a big chunk of total cost and definetly worth scrutinizing.

For myself, i don't even think i needed a GPU. But i've had an internal graphics only machine in the past, and there were times i would have liked a dedicated graphics card. I figured i'd buy one eventually, but never got around to it until compatible ones became obsolete or rare 😊
So this time round i bought one.
if you wait too long, its better to upgrade the entire system, dont throw good money after bad!

eg with my 2010 system, no point buying fancy hardware for it, better to build a brand new system and buy hardware for that.

but if you upgraded the hardware in the first few years that is probably alright.

I mean, Bach kinda worked with electric guitars and amps he had. Which he didn't so he went to church and played the organ.
His inspiration lead him to compose the best music for the thing, and the result is rather nice.

What you refer to as the overload point is something that is set differently for everyone. That is why some people enjoy the engineering behind classical works. Some just pretend to enjoy it to appear more clever and sophisticated but that's their business. To others it's just too much crap going on all at once. Or too flashy, with all the fast notes and such.

one major problem is that before the internet, there was such a jungle of different classical works, often with bland titles, that it wasnt viable to explore, you'd pay out money on each album, spend 30 minutes listening to one piece, and many works are no good. if you even found a piece you liked, you'd probably forget the title, or misremember it. this is the problem of navigational traction. that its not enough to make something good, but you need to make it easy to return to.

with the internet, at least on Youtube you can explore, but exploring 30 minute pieces will limit what you discover. with pop, the typical piece is 3 minutes, and one can explore 10x more stuff for the same investment of time! with much more groups. with films, if a film is going nowhere after 10 minutes, I just quit the film.

also classical music is disjointed, that you have a composer over here, and musicians over there. with the best pop music, the musicians are the composers, and the MO of jamming is much more social, leading to a vastly better emotional content of pop music, where often its some young people having fun. whereas with classical music its some grumpy man in his 60s composing the music as a chore for a tyrannical king. and then trained musicians playing the piece in a mercenary kind of way. where they have to learn whatever the people in charge put in front of them. where its a chore and they are glorified session musicians who MOSTLY never compose even 1 note of anything new, where they are kind of adept zombies.

I always feel cheated if a group uses session musicians rather than the founding members!

experimenting with my own compositions, I find each time I play the tune it is a bit different, and its evolving with each playing, the music is alive. it sometimes becomes worse. I record it from time to time, to prevent it deteriorating!

the classical music is all nailed down to the last drop, namely each note and the timing. it is thus frozen. a piece doesnt evolve.

I mentioned above how Mozart was very well aware of the need to strike the balance between simple and aproachable, but music that anyone with half an ear could compose, and works that required a lot more effort to complete, but would risk being too difficult for many to follow and enjoy.
I believe he also had the temerity to quote his era version of the "butts in seats" principle.

The overengineering is useless and grandiose posturing. Happens when the composer runs out of talent.

often they are making it complicated as a kind of bidding war, out of fear that the other composer will compose for an even bigger orchestra or an even longer piece.

If there is one criticism that can be leveled at Mozart, it's that his themes were usually very simple and basic. And that some of his works were bubblegum. They were, and he ate as a result.
But the themes of his finest works, while simple were used as building blocks of something bigger. Particularly his concertos where a theme and another one or two sub-themes would play out in different configurations between the soloist and the orchestra.

with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, it is filled with bits which are sublime, but I have listened to it many times over the years, always enjoyed it, but to this day I cannot whistle the tune at all. I think if a piece of music is really good, you cant get the tune out of your head.

And on the subject of simple themes, Beethoven won that bet definitively and decisively. The opening of the 5th is a few of the simplest and dumbest notes anyone can play. But what they lead to, and where they go, that takes effort to create.

You can gauge your own point of overload and possibly expand it. Try listening to Mozart's piano concerto 21 -

Pay attention to the interplay between the soloist and the orchestra. Sometimes they will step on each others toes. Also see if you can identify the simple pieces Mozart used to build the whole thing together.
well, even in the first 2 minutes, the music is quite sublime. but I still walk away without a tune in my head.

the string instruments in particular are particularly adept both the composition and the playing, which is also the case with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.

so like with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, where it is sublime to listen to, but it leaves no impression in my mind.

maybe if I really study it I can distil out some component catchy tunes, but then the entertainment is a chore!

with Abba, I'll be singing "money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world, a ha aa haa, all the things I can do, if I had a little money". it leaves a big impression which lasts decades.

in terms of spatial feeling and dialogue the Mozart is sublime, couldnt be done better, its way beyond where I am trying to reach with my composing!

so maybe its sublime in the direct experience, but not in the after experience, that it is maybe too clever to remember. I just think maybe Mozart is sublime muzak.

with Abba, I can recall lyrics after lyrics of so many songs, eg "walking through an empty room, children would play, this is how the story ends, this is goodbye", and eg "knowing me, knowing you, a haa, there is nothing we can do", and "the city is a jungle, you better beware, I am the tiger" and "so I must leave, I have to go, to Las Vegas or Monaco" and "Friday night and the lights are low, looking for a place to go, where they play the right music, ...." etc . all those classical musicians totally flunked in terms of lyrics, their vocals tend to be operatic, where noone understands the lyrics.

Do you have any examples of what you call bland and filler classical music?
I'd have to listen to various pieces, its why I never got into classical music, because every attempt to get in, I just had to listen to a lot of pompous machinations of sound which didnt have a tune. the really good tunes I know are either from Stars on 45's Hooked on classics, or from adverts for things like cars.

with your Mozart piece above, 43s to 46s is filler, banging away aimlessly,
1:54s to 1:59s is pretty bland banging away,
2:20 to 2:23 is very rapid piano tinkling, but in terms of tune is bland, in my book that isnt a tune.
2:24 to 2:30 is ultra subtle piano tinkling, but its not actually music! its not a tune. that is technically adept filla. it has elastic tempo, but I do elastic tempo with all my playing, which I superimpose on the piece according to my mood. its not written into a score! no doubt the speed of play is virtuoso. it is showing off but not going anywhere.

the music is sweet nothings. its like a body builder flexing his muscles but not actually doing any acrobatics.

but I have heard much worse classical music.

when I compose my pieces, I dont want any notes wasted. every note needs to be part of a tune.
I have repetition of some segments as part of an overall progression, where the next time round I make some change.

my first composition was just 23 notes. based on a tune and a countertune, not one note wasted. any blandness in the evolution was editted out or recomposed.

I think a true artist only publishes really good stuff, eg some hollywood actors only star in films with good stories, whereas others have no standards. I think the problem may be that some of the composers were desperate for cash, and would churn out a lot of junk just to pay for the next meal.

so eg Abba, virtually every piece they ever did is great. they never did filla tracks on their albums.

some groups eg will put a filler track on the B side of a 45rpm single.

Because i do agree a lot of it is no good at all.
I like ABBA and Bruce Springsteen. But i would not put them in the same league as classical masters, much less above.

the classical masters work is more meticulous and elaborate, but what tune emerges out of all the machinations?

Abba has produced so many unforgettable tunes, I struggle to remember any tune by any classical composer, I can recall the Bach fugue's main tune. even Tocatta which got in the charts, I am struggling to remember. but David Essex's obscure hit, silver dream machine, I can remember just like that:

"I've a dream, silver dream machine," and the tune is instantly in my mind:


it has an instant magic which the classical music lacks, the classical music is all dry and clinical and lacks lyrics.

with pop music, I can probably recall 100 tunes.

so its much better "traction".

I think it may be like comparing gymnastics to ballet the gymnast has much more skill, but the dancer is more entertaining to watch. the gymnast is impressive to watch. Mozart is a gymnast, Abba are dancers.

there is no doubt that his work in some ways is perfection,

one piece of music I do remember is "also sprach zarathustra", which I think was in the film 2001 a space odyssey. now that tune I can remember in much fullness. having a look on Youtube, its in fact by Strauss, and my recalling is much nicer than how it sounds in the film.

I think Strauss is one composer, where I have heard various I like. I once heard a waltz by strauss on the radio which was really nice music. with his music, I remember the tunes.

And i could and do sometimes listen to classical music for hours. 45-50 minutes is not too much if you're taken in. If you're bored, then 10 minutes is too long.

Just to be clear i do not blame you for having a different tolerance to drawn out complexity. If you don't feel any joy and you find nothing worth listening to, that's that.
I like that specific Mozart piece you gave, and I like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, but with both I dont walk away with a tune. maybe his work is too clever!

I could not disagree more. If only more schools spent time teaching children instead of putting them on a career path. 90% of education is throwing education away and rewarding efforts that lead to getting a higher paid job.

the devil is in the details. the problem with music teaching is mostly the techniques are fundamentally wrong.

so its better you dont learn an instrument as a child as you'll need to unlearn that if you want real mastery.

fun doesnt need lessons!

now maybe music and art appreciation is a good idea, where they can get kids to listen to better works. but I totally oppose the subject of english literature, because stories are entertainment and fun, they arent a chore to study and do exams in! that is deranged! actually a lot of famous literature is junk, compared to TV dramas and films of today. Today, fiction is all disposable. literature critique is maybe ok. eg Shakespeare is a bit verbose and overflowery. But he has some great quotes. Dickens stories have great caricatures, but eg David Copperfield has too many story segments. each segment is great, with some great caricatures eg Uriah Heap. The story is to give the entire life of a man right from before he was born. but this is a chore and incoherent. the segments of Copperfield's life dont add up into an overall story. Mark Twains stories are too contrived for me. real kids arent that savvy.

as someone who has learnt many many things over the years, I eventually decided to teach myself electric guitar. I bought a cheap guitar supplied with a CD course. and a cheap Amp, I think called Roland Streetcube.

started on the course, and soon realised the concepts were majorly wrong, and going to guitar forums all were pushing the same wrong ideas. And I quit the course, and began teaching myself using my own MO, based on concepts I have developed from learning diverse things.

the very first problem is the guitar itself is wrong! right handed people are given right handed guitars, and right away you have failed. because the best guitar for a right handed person is a LEFT handed guitar! and the best guitarist ever, Jimmy Hendrix did just this, right handed person using a left handed guitar.

its because a right handed guitar has the right hand strumming, and the left hand selecting the frets and chords. but that is a much more difficult skill, and ought to be for the right hand. so if you get lessons, you are set up to fail the moment you buy your guitar.

the next problem is they tell you to use a metronome. this is a really bad idea. if you use a metronome your mind now is geared to very specific timing. but when I play, the time is elastic. I can gradually speed up the tempo, or gradually slow down, to my mood. when I whistle that recording, I have no idea at all about the tempo, I just whistle to a tempo that feels good. where my playing is relative playing. that is a fundamental problem with classical music, that it is absolute playing, absolute notes to an absolute tempo. pop music is usually relative playing, where the players play relative to each other and the mood. if the lead speeds up, they all speed up in sympathy. its also much more improvised,where the notes arent precisely delineated.

pop stars play to the crowd, classical musicians are oblivious to the crowd, with the conductor's back to the audience. when I played the guitar, I'd learn a piece and then play without a score. most popstars also do this.

people who have never learnt musical instruments, can appreciate much more music than trained people, because trained people are trained to know standard timing and standard notes which is a loss of perceptual liberty.

eg many musicians brag that they can tell middle C and that they are pitch perfect. and that is a big problem!

because what I found is that if you play the guitar slightly out of tune, it has a magic effect, where it gives a nostalgic tone to the sound. also if you whistle, you can play any tune at all starting from any note at all, even an out of tune one. so the absolute notes are totally arbitrary. and playing slightly out of tune is a very impressive effect.

there are many pop songs which utilise out of tune sounds to great effect.

I dont know for sure if this one is out of tune, but it could be:


anyway, I started developing my own MO, and soon I had a repertoire of several pieces of music.
there is also conflict of interest with music teachers, that they need you to take ages to learn, so they make more money from the lessons. and they do just this!

Now having realised that what I needed was a left handed guitar, I eventually halted playing, because I was going to have to relearn everything for the other hand, and even the notation, fret notation will become upside down with that! I will eventually buy an upmarket left handed guitar, and a valve amp.

conventional music notation really is optimised for the piano, its less useful for the guitar, because the guitar has several strings, and the same note can occur on different strings. so conventional notation is ambiguous. fret notation is a notation optimised for guitars and deals with the ambiguity.

in the last decade, I have only revisited the guitar one day several years ago, where I had totally forgotten how to play. I am avoiding playing as I want to relearn from scratch for a left handed guitar.

one song I started learning was Abba's Money Money Money, and I totally disagree that Abba is not sophisticated, it is in fact highly complex and subtle, and I eventually quit after learning just a small subset as I realised I needed to learn something much simpler first. there is a crazy amount of stuff happening even in 10 seconds of Abba songs.

I started learning eg "something's gotten hold of my heart" and also "I'm all out of love", and each of these I found to be incredibly complex. even to learn 20 seconds is major work!

dont be fooled by the simplicity of the experience of pop songs! that simplicity is often accomplished by a lot of work.

work is much lighter if you are having fun, pop music composition is usually fun, and this is why it seems effortless, but in fact it is more inspired than most classical music.

Playing the piano is useless. So is having a patio or a pool.
Being able to hunt or raise livestock is actualy useful but most wouldn't even consider it.
Being able to dance is just as attractive if not more than a fat wallet.

the problem is that most musical instrument learning is forced by the parents, where the training is fundamentally wrong, and at best the kid will work in an orchestra, but how many orchestras are there, and how many cellists or flutists etc are there? and this plays out, most kids never get anywhere with the lessons.

its a real chore getting music lessons.

I never had music lessons at school, at the start of uni I got a few piano lessons and then quit as too much effort trekking to the lessons and then booking a piano,

around 2013 I began teaching myself, soon quit the CD course, and very quickly was playing various pieces, eg I learnt the main part of the Match of the day theme tune.

the pop stars are the ones who play in their own time in a garage, where it was always a hobby.

apart from a few cases such as Kleiderman and Galway, you wont get famous with classical music instruments. a few singers become famous such as pavarotti.

my point is that entertainment is fun to experience, but to entertain is a bleak path.

it would be much better to refine people's art appreciation tastes than to try to make them artists.

with a refined sensibility, some will then venture to become an artist.

the modern education system was invented by the prussians to create factory workers. the reconfigurable assembly line needed workers who could follow written instructions. the education system was to teach people how to read and write, and do basic maths, and nothing more. they actively deterred people from wisdom, by making learning a chore, with canings, and reprimands. because an enlightened worker was a threat to the prussian hegemony. before that, the main population were illiterate. in Britain even in 1939, the aristocratic eugenics movement vociferously opposed the educating of the masses. the education system has also made music learning a chore, when in fact it should be fun and a choice.

one big problem with music, is it will make your hearing deteriorate, as beethoven found out! eg with someone banging the cymbals next to you.

It's really getting philosophical now, but we're all spending most of our lives learning just how to treat each other and how to relate and fit into a free society. No wonder so many yearn for slavery or for the world to be nuked so it can start over. There is so much we don't know we don't know.

Not everyone needs to be able to play the piano to the level where they can earn a living doing it, but it's nice to actualy be able to play the thing. Wish my school offered me the chance.
its good they didnt! instead just buy a piano, and ask on the internet for ideas and teach yourself by picking out ideas that appeal to you. NEVER try to learn using ideas that people suggest that you dont like.

one bit of correct advice all the guitar people told me was "there is no right or wrong way to play the guitar", all that matters is some nice music comes out of it, how you did that is of no interest.

Finally, and to finish on a bright note. Classical works did have names when they were new. Some of them stuck, some were dropped.
Mozart composed one he called Lick my asshole.
He did, don't blame me.

if the Amadeus film was right, that sounds like the guy!

PS This was a damn interesting discussion two pages ago, and it's getting worse. 🤣
drums are an interesting instrument, they literally have a different drum for each note, hence the drumkits with several drums! I think pop music drums are more sophisticated than orchestral ones?
There is some doubt about this website. I suggest you use imgur to upload photos and share the links in forum posts.

You can also use Dropbox for any file. Music or photos, etc. I find the app annoying but the actual service is good.

As for mobile phones, when you are ready to move on to buying one, take a look here:
Some of the opinions are hysterical, but with a large enough sample of reviews you can get an idea of whether a device is worth it. You can also easily compare specs.
also classical music is disjointed, that you have a composer over here, and musicians over there. with the best pop music, the musicians are the composers, and the MO of jamming is much more social, leading to a vastly better emotional content of pop music.
That is a very interesting take, because most pop is not at all like that. It is criticized for being manufactured and homogenized beyond the point of having any shred of originality or personality.

Musicians are very rarely the composers. The producer makes the album. The musicians are the session-musicians. There are exceptions but they are very rare. The producer is like the director of the movie. He didn't write the script and will not be delivering any performance, but he makes the picture. Others are equipment.

Of the top of my head, Queen, James Brown, ... ok that's it. I can't think of any more. Billy Idol did produce Neuromancer himself on his Apple. Mostly because he was seen as washed up and no label wanted to back him (meaning assign a producer to make the album, and market it, etc. etc.). I think the result is very interesting but not a stand out like his previous two. It's more genuine Billy Idol, but it's not as good.

Maybe Ween, because who would produce that? And would it even matter?

Also, a classical score is not nailed down at all. In fact there is a ton of freedom deliberately left for the performers. And when it comes to great pieces, it's not just a matter of finding a recording, but finding a good performance.
Some records of the same work (on paper) are different enough to be compared to several recordings of tribute bands. Some will get it right, other will miss the point entirely.
My grandfather spent a lot of time building his record collection. Finding a great preformance was like finding a new album by your favorite band!

with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, it is filled with bits which are sublime, but I have listened to it many times over the years, always enjoyed it, but to this day I cannot whistle the tune at all. I think if a piece of music is really good, you cant get the tune out of your head.
well, even in the first 2 minutes, the music is quite sublime. but I still walk away without a tune in my head.
the string instruments in particular are particularly adept both the composition and the playing, which is also the case with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik.
so like with Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, where it is sublime to listen to, but it leaves no impression in my mind.
maybe if I really study it I can distil out some component catchy tunes, but then the entertainment is a chore!

with Abba, I'll be singing "money money money, must be funny, in a rich man's world, a ha aa haa, all the things I can do, if I had a little money". it leaves a big impression which lasts decades.

in terms of spatial feeling and dialogue the Mozart is sublime, couldnt be done better, its way beyond where I am trying to reach with my composing!

so maybe its sublime in the direct experience, but not in the after experience, that it is maybe too clever to remember. I just think maybe Mozart is sublime muzak.
the classical masters work is more meticulous and elaborate, but what tune emerges out of all the machinations?
I like that specific Mozart piece you gave, and I like Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, but with both I dont walk away with a tune. maybe his work is too clever!

Nobody without mutant IQ is going to fit an entire concerto in their head. It's not required for enjoyment anyway.

Recongnizing themes helps find interesting bits for your mind to recongize and follow along during a long piece. This is no different from pop except the length. Think of any song and you can recognize it's signature theme and probably a bridge.

Variations in long classical pieces require the composer avoids repetition that bores the audience, but also avoids always adding new themes so that the auidence and the piece itself become disjointed and lost. That *can* work but that is then a medley, not a single piece with a head, tail and enough interesting musical ideas in the middle. It doesn't have to tell any story but it does have to be consistent.

A pop song by comparison is so much shorter that it cannot have this problem. And when bands try to create long songs or rock opera albums, they usually run into the same problem. How to maintain consistency, interest, recognition, without repetition or grandiose posturing and going nowhere.

The song Locomotive from Guns n Roses comes to mind. It's quite long at 8+ minutes, but it holds together long enough. I wouldn't really call it pop as such, but it qualifies. I mean, it could be played on radio. There are metal symphonies that go on for much longer, but those are definetly not pop.
Somewhere in between are rock opera albums. Some work, some not so much. Some like for example Parachute by The Pretty Things are less rock operas and more conventional albums. Parachute does not feel like a unified piece at all.

I do agree with the comment about fast paced showing off. Small bits of filler. It's there more for the virtuoso soloist than the audience. Mozart at least knew this but he needed to add some stuff like that. And he could not avoid padding. It's fine to knock him for padding things out here and there but the interesting ideas outweigh the filler.
Still, among classical musicians it is well known that it is much harder to play a slow tempo section than a blazingly fast one. Slow tempo requires timing and feeling. It's easier to hide in a flurry of notes than in just a few that have to be felt.
The 2nd movement of the 21st is a good example. And it is here that you can most easily tell the differences between performances. Some just play the notes. :/

A classical piece without any filler would be perfection in deed, however not one has yet been written.
It's not necessary to chase perfection. It's beyond reach. Real life gets in the way too. Bang out the best you can do, warts and all. If it's good, it will be appreciated.

I think it's fair to say that a short pop song is easier and catchier. Doesn't make it less worthy than a concerto. Even if it's easier to hold together a 3-4 minute song doesn't mean it's actualy easy to compose one. A 45 minute concerto with 3 movements is more challenging to compose, and unless it's good it will bore people to death. And even the best ones have flaws.

Don't knock yourself for not being able to follow a concerto. All you have to do is listen. There is nothing to learn or compare to other listeners. It's not a contest. I mean, it is for wan....s but it's still music. And music is for enjoyment, spiritual uplift and discovery of a unique idea told in a different, wordless language.

It's too big to walk away with a tune in your head (by design). Not more than the main theme which is simple enough (again by design).
But it's not too clever. If it is, the composer failed! So say the likes of Mozart, Vivaldi, Beethoven etc.

I do agree with teaching techniques being wrong, and i would not like to force children to chase grades. Just offer music and allow time for it. Few will develop but all may benefit. I've seen it in schools. Same as metal work for example. Just getting hands dirty can provide a lasting benefit.
fun doesn't need lessons.

I remember loving Mark Twain's Roughing it.
That is really very intersting about the electric guitar. It takes taking a chance to go against the norm, but if you're right you can find something valuable. I've never thought about handedness of the guitar but you're right.
And i agree about the metronome. It's like training wheels on a bike. Never use them. You'll waste time learning to ride twice...
Quantized music can work, but allowing tempo the freedom to breathe is better. Also, you don't see professional musicians of any caliber using metronomes.
Don't think i called ABBA unsophisticated. They're great and i like ABBA. And judging by the last two songs they recorded, they still got it.
Parents forcing their kids is a separate problem. It also never works.
The modern education system was invented by the ancient Greeks. There were different schools but the formula that emegred is the one that lasts to this day. Channel power into *right* hands, prevent the young from breaking with tradition, and destroy creativity and curiosity by making sure the pupils compete for highly paid jobs.
There are exceptions, and always were. But most educational institutions are the graveyards of education.
I suppose no classes is better than bad piano classes. Only just.
Yeah, i'm with you on the modern pop drums vs orchestral.
Recongnizing themes helps find interesting bits for your mind to recongize and follow along during a long piece. This is no different from pop except the length. Think of any song and you can recognize it's signature theme and probably a bridge.

I think this argument is a lost cause here. Move on and spare yourself a headache (that's what I'm doing).
I think this argument is a lost cause here. Move on and spare yourself a headache (that's what I'm doing).
only just read your post, yeah, I'll take a break from posting until all the components arrive which will be Wednesday, but I want to take a rest as that day will be strenuous. Friday I dont have much time, so probably will start towards building the PC on Saturday, at least to post some initial questions.
I couldnt find any USB3 A to A short cables with the link you gave:
Which USB type-A to USB type-A you need? Since there are 3 formats;
From female to female, e.g:
From male to male, e.g:
From female to male, e.g:

And if you want them to be as short as possible, then just get this kit with all 3 conversion adapters,
amazon UK:

but it doesnt have a problem with viewing or downloading jpegs from my website!
Since i don't actually download the image to my PC. Your website renders it online, so that i can watch it via my Firefox, without downloading it.
Just like i've shared pics of my build here in this topic. Images are hosted on imgur site and embedded here in the topic, where you can view them, without downloading them.

I have to think about this, is there any audio format that Malware bytes isnt paranoid about, eg it accepts .jpg for images. I can convert the audio file to other formats with Audacity.
Issue is downloading the file. Not the file format.

Does your website have embedded audio player that plays the audio files online? No.

For example, Spotify, link:

I do not need to download any of the tracks on Spotify. Instead, i can listen them online, via embedded music player. (Btw, need to make free account to listen the songs on Spotify.)
Or DI.FM, link:
No account required to listen 6 free radio channels online (free radio channels are rotated every 24 hours).

female to male, as that relocates the same sockets

And if you want them to be as short as possible, then just get this kit with all 3 conversion adapters,
amazon UK:
I prefer with as short a cable as possible rather than no cable!

because when there is no cable, attaching and detaching to that no-cable connector will move the connector a bit which will wear out the wires.

whereas if there is a bit of cable, its like this:

expensive_socket1: : socket2------cable1----socket3: :socket4---cable2---socket5: :expensive_socket6

socket2 is permanently attached to socket1
socket5 is permanently attached to socket6

repeated attaching and detaching is done at socket3 and socket4 which then only moves cable1 + cable2, where no change at socket1 and socket6, except very minimal. but where socket2 + socket3 are a fused item, attaching + detaching at socket3 will move socket2 which wears out socket1.

with cable1 + cable2 eventually just socket3 + socket4 wear out,

and now I discard cable1 and cable2 and replace with brand new ones,

this is maybe after several months, where in several months at socket1 I have attached cable1 just once,
detached it just once, and now attached a replacement just once.

so just 3 actions of physical wear and tear after months at the expensive socket1.

the problem being you buy an expensive mobo, and it becomes unusable from dumb wear and tear of the USB sockets.

whereas if you attach & detach directly, soon expensive socket1 wears out and you have problems.

this has happened to me especially with USB hubs, where I have junked so many.

and also I have junked so many HDMI cables, with some high quality HDMI cables from the Panasonic store, the socket split apart eventually!

on the off topic things, maybe continue that with private messages. maybe if you cut and paste your last off topic stuff to private message, and then delete the off topic bit, as the moderator is dissatisfied.

I am not posting any further off topic things, continue any off topic discussions with private messages.

back on topic, the tower arrived this morning:

main comment so far, is it is seriously heavy, I weighed it to be 15.2kg. the box is huge, about 25.5" high.

if you wish to give some very initial installation steps, I can begin on those once all components have arrived and I have rested a bit.

I think best to proceed step by step, in case of any snags and to minimise having to search through the messages for a specific step.

if you can devise a super optimal installation sequence, because changing the order of steps can make a major difference to a work. if you arent careful you can install a whole load of stuff, and then find this obstructs some other step, and you have to then uninstall everything, to do the other step, then reinstall again.

you can take your time devising a super optimal MO as I wont have all components till Wednesday:

I think PSU and mobo and vid cable wont arrive till Wednesday, and will probably arrive in the early evening, where waiting all day means I wont be in a fresh frame of mind to start on the install.

I have to wait all day, because they tend to say: "your parcel will arrive by 10pm today".

and I think they are focussing on delivering in the early evening, because many people go to bed early:

I know this from looking at the house lights on our street, and by 10pm, virtually all are off!

so I think they go for delivering by 7pm, the one amazon delivery was at 654pm. they avoid delivering during the day as many people are at work or college etc.
Which USB type-A to USB type-A you need? Since there are 3 formats;
From female to female, e.g:
From male to male, e.g:
From female to male, e.g:

And if you want them to be as short as possible, then just get this kit with all 3 conversion adapters,
amazon UK:
the 16' USB C video cable has just now arrived by UPS.

if I want a USB C female to male extender, can you recommend one which will handle the data rate needed for the video cable?

with your earlier USB cable URL, I got to this URL:

but it says: "This cable does not support data transfer or charging between two laptops, nor does it support video output, "

where I have underlined the operative bit,

I was wondering whether I could use a USB 4 male to female cable?

there was an offer at the top of the previous URL for this USB4 cable, but which is male to male:

in either case just a short one will do as the main cable is long enough
Which USB type-A to USB type-A you need? Since there are 3 formats;
From female to female, e.g:
From male to male, e.g:
From female to male, e.g:

And if you want them to be as short as possible, then just get this kit with all 3 conversion adapters,
amazon UK:

one further question, could you recommend any short cable HDMI extender male to female which will handle the higher data rates for the video of the new computer?

where I will use that to distance the expensive socket from the video cable.

the memory arrived just before I went shopping:

so I think all that remains now is the mobo. so far I have no regrets on the decisions, I think its all optimal for my requirements.
I prefer with as short a cable as possible rather than no cable!
Here's one such short cable, 10cm long;
amazon UK:

And another one, that looks more sturdy but is also 10cm long;
amazon UK:

if you wish to give some very initial installation steps, I can begin on those once all components have arrived and I have rested a bit.
Initial step: You need holy bible of PCs (MoBo manual).
While there is quick installation guide included with MoBo, i suggest you download the full (multi-language) manual from here,

Since i'll be referring to the manual quite a bit.

So, once you have the manual, read it. Fully.
Once you've done reading it, read it again.

MoBo manual is the single most important piece of documentation about any PC. Hence why i like to refer to it as: "holy bible of PCs". :cheese:


Before you install the MoBo inside the PC case, breadboarding is needed to do. While not required per se, this step will confirm if CPU-MoBo-RAM combo works. Since if neither of the three won't, it's far easier to disassemble them all; compared to when you've already installed the MoBo into the PC case and done the full cable management as well.

Also, before handling the components of a PC, make sure you're grounded. E.g touch any metal pipe that you know goes to the ground (central heating, water pipe etc). Also, avoid standing on carpet, especially when wearing socks.

Oh, as of where to assemble the PC, good sturdy table would do, e.g dining table.

1. Breadboarding​

1.1. Unbox the MoBo and place it on any cardboard box. MoBo retail box does fine.

1.2. Unbox the RAM, open up 2nd and 4th slot clips and install the RAM. MoBo manual, page 8, shows how to do it. And page 30 has further info on about correct slots when you have 2 DIMMs (which you do).

1.3 Unbox the CPU and install it on the MoBo. MoBo manual, page 6, step 1, 2 and 3 show how to do it. And further reading from page 29.
Note: While MoBo manual shows installing CPU and CPU cooler before installing the RAM, but in your case, due to your Be Quiet! CPU cooler, it is advised to install RAM 1st, since CPU cooler will overhang/cover RAM slots, making RAM installation far harder. Hence why install RAM before CPU and CPU cooler.

1.4 Unbox CPU cooler and follow the instructions on CPU cooler manual on how to install it.
If no paper manual isn't included with CPU cooler (it should though), you can download it from here,

Scroll down to "Characteristics" part and select "Downloads" tab.

With RAM installed, CPU installed, CPU cooler installed, "PC" is in operational state. Still, it needs a bit more to get it working.

1.5 Locate the USB type-C to HDMI cable and plug the USB type-C to the back of the MoBo, into correct USB slot. Namely that USB port that is marked "Item 10" in MoBo manual. Refer to page 23 and 24 to locate it. HDMI part of it goes to the monitor.

1.6 Connect KB and mice to MoBo USB slots at the back of the MoBo. Doesn't matter much which ports you use.

1.7 Unbox PSU and locate 24-pin ATX and two 4/8-pin EPS cables. Put the PSU near/next to MoBo, PSU fan facing upwards. Connect 24-pin and two 4/8-pin cables. I prefer to connect those to the PSU 1st and then connect to MoBo. But doing it vice-versa won't hurt either.
Make sure PSU switch is at the "Off" position. Connect the power cable from PSU to the mains.

End result should look similar to this:


Now, "PC" doesn't have GPU or SSD for OS, but it doesn't need them. Since the idea is to make sure CPU-MoBo-RAM work and you can boot into UEFI (BIOS).

2. 1st power-on​

When you're ready to power on the build;

2.1. Flip the switch at the back of the PSU.

2.2. Press the "Power" button on MoBo itself to power on the "PC". MoBo manual, page 55, shows where this button is located.

With this, you should be seeing some life from your assembled components, like CPU fan starting to spin, RAM LEDs light up, other lights lit up on MoBo.

If you don't see any image on monitor, despite MoBo being powered on, look what code the DEBUG LED is showing. To locate the DEBUG LED, look MoBo manual page 61.
Pages 61 to 65 has a chart of all the DEBUG LED values and what they mean.

Now, it may get seemingly stuck on either 15, 16, 17, 18 or 2E, but wait since this is memory training and takes a bit of time. Shouldn't take more than 5 mins though. MoBo can do the memory training twice, but once POST is complete, PC should boot directly to UEFI (BIOS).

2.3. Once you see UEFI on your monitor, GREAT, the most nerve-wrecking part is over and you've confirmed that CPU-MoBo-RAM work. You can then look around in UEFI if you like but otherwise, exit UEFI. Since there is no OS, PC restarts and does boot back to UEFI.

2.4. To power off the PC, while in UEFI, either press the power button on MoBo, or flip the switch at the back of the PSU. (I prefer flipping the switch.)

For redundancy, you can turn the breadboarded setup back on again, to make sure all works. Just flip the PSU switch back to "On" position and power on the build via Power button on MoBo. If all is well, you'll end up back in UEFI. With this confirmed 2nd time, power off the build again, for further assembly.

Regarding further assembly, you can go ahead and install the MoBo into the PC case if you like, but i personally prefer to install OS 1st, since when something should happen with hardware, it's easier to disassemble it.
I can write the follow-up steps too, if you like, but this (breadboarding), is the most crucial part of building any PC.
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if I want a USB C female to male extender, can you recommend one which will handle the data rate needed for the video cable?
This one? 80cm;
amazon UK:

one further question, could you recommend any short cable HDMI extender male to female which will handle the higher data rates for the video of the new computer?
This one should do, 50cm, HDMI 2.1 cable;
amazon UK:

This one is shorter, 12cm, but is HDMI 2.0 cable;
amazon UK:

Both are more than enough for 4K 60Hz. But if you want most what MoBo can output (4K 120 Hz) then HDMI 2.1 cable can do that. HDMI 2.0 can do up to 4K 60Hz.
many thanks for the recommendations!

I have just now purchased the 80cm one and the 50cm one, and this time remembered to select Amazon locker so I dont have to wait around all day for the delivery, and also paid a £2.99 premium for delivery tomorrow rather than Friday, total price £30.57

have opted for this one,

and opted for this one,

This one is shorter, 12cm, but is HDMI 2.0 cable;
amazon UK:

Both are more than enough for 4K 60Hz. But if you want most what MoBo can output (4K 120 Hz) then HDMI 2.1 cable can do that. HDMI 2.0 can do up to 4K 60Hz.

the more recent version is the more important thing here,

I dont know if Tom's hardware have tested how long different cables can be before the signal becomes too weak?

with P/S 2 mouse and keyboard cables, I found I could daisy chain 2 cables and these work fine, but if I daisy chain 3, then wont work.

when I was about 10, as kids we used to make literal daisy chains, with daisies! I forget how we did it, but you would pick some daisy flowers, and connect them into a chain! possibly we tied each one in knot around the next one. I learnt this from the other kids at school, there is a kind of kids' culture, which the kids learn off each other and not from the adults and which you mostly forget when you grow up!

at the moment I think 2 further deliveries, the PSU and the mobo, both of which are non amazon ones, and look like will be any time tomorrow (Wednesday 7th feb), and then a visit to the amazon lockers for the 2 extender cables.

I have to wait till I start installing before I can reply to your other posting, as its a bit involved, but I have downloaded the mobo manual and the Dark Rock manual that you give in that message.

what I'll do is unbox the mentioned things and firstly do a visual of the items and what needs to be done,

there's a saying "act in haste, repent at leisure"
and another saying "its much easier to keep out of trouble than get out of trouble",
and my own version of that "its much easier to get into trouble than out of trouble"!

installing the wrong way is to then have to "get out of trouble"

the mobo manual is bible size at 584 pages!
I dont know if Tom's hardware have tested how long different cables can be before the signal becomes too weak?
Not that i'm aware of, but if you Google specific cable, you can find info about it easily.
E.g HDMI cable, article:

Oh, signal becoming too weak is only acceptable for analog signals. For digital signals that send 0 and 1, it is like a switch, either the signal gets through or not. There is no gray area with digital signal, where something shows, but it isn't clear/good enough, like analog signal has it.

HDMI, DP (DisplayPort), DVI-D, PS/2 and USB are digital signals. VGA and DVI-A are analog signals. DVI-I can carry both, analog and digital signal.

here's a saying "act in haste, repent at leisure"
and another saying "its much easier to keep out of trouble than get out of trouble",
and my own version of that "its much easier to get into trouble than out of trouble"!

installing the wrong way is to then have to "get out of trouble"
I'll have one to add: "Temper gets you into trouble. Pride keeps you there.". :cheese:

the mobo manual is bible size at 584 pages!
It's actually 71 pages since it's multi-language (8 languages). English portion of it is in the very beginning, spanning 71 pages (which i've now read 5-6 times).
Last edited:
today so far just the PSU has arrived:

Also, before handling the components of a PC, make sure you're grounded. E.g touch any metal pipe that you know goes to the ground (central heating, water pipe etc).
the radiators have some manufacturer coating, is that insufficient?

Also, avoid standing on carpet, especially when wearing socks.
I have varnished bamboo flooring in one room, will that do?

it is reconstituted bamboo from China, bamboo is a grass rather than a tree, and the chinese bamboo is gigantic, where the version I use is twice as strong as oak and half the price!

its more efficient to grow than oak because its a grass they can harvest from the same plant again and again, like mowing a lawn but with ginormous grasses!

I want to get some other rooms done eventually, main problem is emptying a room, as too much stuff.
further to above, the Seasonic seems much heavier than other PSUs, but maybe I misremember.

I weighed the box to be 6.3kg, I havent opened it yet. but the box at least seems quite long at 47cm.

will it be practical for me to build the PC first without the graphics card, to try that say for several days, and then install the graphics card to get an idea what kind of boost it gives?

or is it better to install the graphics card right away?

I am curious as to how the machine performs without graphics card, are there any interesting free demo programs I could try to see the boost? ie to try the demo before the graphics card is installed, and after.

with my old ATi Radeon, it had a really great Chimp and butterfly demo. but I dont know if that specific one would look better on a better gfx card?

one other thing, I have no idea at all about gaming, could you show some photos of what your gaming setup looks like?

do you play it sitting down or standing?

for me the PC is a flat screen monitor on a desk, with a speaker on each side, a keyboard and mouse + mouse mat.
today so far just the PSU has arrived:
Always nice to see a PRIME. :sol:

the radiators have some manufacturer coating, is that insufficient?
Paint on radiator should still conduct electricity. Or touch a metal valve between radiator and the pipe leading into it. Those usually aren't painted with thick paint.

I have varnished bamboo flooring in one room, will that do?
As long as it isn't carpet. Since walking on carpet will charge your body with static electricity.

further to above, the Seasonic seems much heavier than other PSUs
Well, it won't get much heavier than that, since you have 1.6kW unit with 80+ Titanium efficiency. Then again, with PSUs, the heavier it is, the better. In general at least. Heck, there have been even some no-name PSUs, who have added dead metal into their PSUs, so that their otherwise lightweight PSU weighs more and feels like it has more in it. :cheese:

E.g like this "find" few months ago,

will it be practical for me to build the PC first without the graphics card, to try that say for several days, and then install the graphics card to get an idea what kind of boost it gives?

or is it better to install the graphics card right away?
It matters not.

Doing all of it in one go, means that you don't have to open up the PC 2nd time to install a GPU. But installing GPU is easy, it only needs one PCI-E power cable that you need to add to the build. So, not much cable management.

But using PC with iGPU first and then comparing results is best way to tell the diff between iGPU and dedicated GPU.

are there any interesting free demo programs I could try to see the boost? ie to try the demo before the graphics card is installed, and after.
GPU benchmark program will do.

Best/latest would be Unigine Superposition,

It has presets to choose from, or you can define the parameters by yourself. For iGPU, i'd use 1080p Low or 720p preset. Or you can customize the preset by yourself.
Once you have dedicated GPU in the system, run the same benchmark preset (or custom settings) again and compare the diff. It will be considerable.

IF by a chance, Unigine Superposition is too beefy for iGPU to handle, use Unigine Heaven,

It is older version of the benchmark program and it would be better suited for weaker GPUs, including iGPU.

IF completely out of luck and Unigine Heaven is still too beefy for iGPU, use UserBenchmark,

UserBenchmark will post the results online, opening up the results page once the bench is complete. Also, UserBenchmark will test entire system and not just GPU. But it's GPU portion is better suited for old/slow GPUs.
I've used UserBenchmark test tool to spot inconsistencies in my entire build and if entire build will run as it is supposed to. E.g here is the results for my Skylake build, after i bought 970 Evo Plus,

one other thing, I have no idea at all about gaming, could you show some photos of what your gaming setup looks like?

do you play it sitting down or standing?
Me standing ~16 hours to use my PC :rofl: that's a good joke.


Old picture. Taken when missus gifted me a new chair to match my build theme.


Some time later, with new speaker setup. In the bottom left corner sits my old AMD build.


And this is the latest pic i have of whole setup. Of course that pic is old too since now i have new/different printer.


Always nice to see a PRIME. :sol:

because so much waiting, I decided to unbox the tower, some initial impressions and photos:

first thing is the transparent panel is hinged. all 3 towers I have used before didnt have hinged panels.
there also seems to be a power switch at the top which is a useful innovation, as my other towers had power switches in inaccessible places.

aeriel view:

that flooring isnt the bamboo flooring, but is a modern form of vinyl tiles, called Karndean which will probably have the static problem, I got some static from the tower when unboxing it.

each zone of the house has different flooring, the kitchen has lino which I find the best for a kitchen as very easy to clean. water isnt good for most other forms of flooring. the corridor and bathroom have the Karndean vinyl, one room has bamboo flooring, and the other rooms have carpet.

towards the right edge is what seems to be a power switch.

there is a bit of gauze at the top with magnetic edge strips.

2nd photo I increased the brightness to make the parts more visible, which shows also the hinged panel:

3rd photo also has increased brightness to make the parts more visible, where the panel hinges are visible.

the fan is visible in that photo which I think you said I should junk.

4th photo is the front view of the inbuilt sockets:

not sure if I should use those? I bought a standalone panel for a 5.25" bay

lastly a photo of the components box and its contents. that box is visible in the 2nd photo and just visible in the 3rd photo where it was attached inside the tower:

its nice when everything is brand new!

figuring out how to use the camera also, very confusing camera.

Paint on radiator should still conduct electricity. Or touch a metal valve between radiator and the pipe leading into it. Those usually aren't painted with thick paint.
I make sure nobody paints the radiators! in Britain people often will paint their radiators, which I think is a bad idea as that reduces the heat radiated! they also paint over door handles, hinges, everything.

As long as it isn't carpet. Since walking on carpet will charge your body with static electricity.
the vinyl might be a problem also, as I got some static charge when unboxing to the vinyl floor.

Well, it won't get much heavier than that, since you have 1.6kW unit with 80+ Titanium efficiency. Then again, with PSUs, the heavier it is, the better. In general at least. Heck, there have been even some no-name PSUs, who have added dead metal into their PSUs, so that their otherwise lightweight PSU weighs more and feels like it has more in it. :cheese:

E.g like this "find" few months ago,
that is crazy! PSU botox!

some washing machines have extra weights in them to make them more stable when they spin.

with things like kettles and irons, its best to only get brand names also. I know someone who got an unbranded liquidiser, and when they tested it out, bits of food flew out. I have a small moulinex from approx 1991, and it still works perfectly, nothing flies out!

with ebay also, brand names sell much better, unbranded items can be unsellable on ebay.

It matters not.

Doing all of it in one go, means that you don't have to open up the PC 2nd time to install a GPU. But installing GPU is easy, it only needs one PCI-E power cable that you need to add to the build. So, not much cable management.

But using PC with iGPU first and then comparing results is best way to tell the diff between iGPU and dedicated GPU.

GPU benchmark program will do.

Best/latest would be Unigine Superposition,

It has presets to choose from, or you can define the parameters by yourself. For iGPU, i'd use 1080p Low or 720p preset. Or you can customize the preset by yourself.
Once you have dedicated GPU in the system, run the same benchmark preset (or custom settings) again and compare the diff. It will be considerable.

IF by a chance, Unigine Superposition is too beefy for iGPU to handle, use Unigine Heaven,

It is older version of the benchmark program and it would be better suited for weaker GPUs, including iGPU.

IF completely out of luck and Unigine Heaven is still too beefy for iGPU, use UserBenchmark,

UserBenchmark will post the results online, opening up the results page once the bench is complete. Also, UserBenchmark will test entire system and not just GPU. But it's GPU portion is better suited for old/slow GPUs.
I've used UserBenchmark test tool to spot inconsistencies in my entire build and if entire build will run as it is supposed to. E.g here is the results for my Skylake build, after i bought 970 Evo Plus,
ok, I'll try these once it is set up without gfx card. I may try testing the current machine also.

Me standing ~16 hours to use my PC :rofl: that's a good joke.
I meant standing to play games, not for desktop use of course.

you dont play games for 16 hours at a time?

I was thinking of the wii users they show in tv adverts. I thought you might have some 2m high video screen, and would be standing at a distance jumping around with some wii kind of gizmo!

ie where you might have 1 zone for playing games, and a different computer for desktop use.


Old picture. Taken when missus gifted me a new chair to match my build theme.


Some time later, with new speaker setup. In the bottom left corner sits my old AMD build.
on the right is a 3rd tower under the main tower?

do you use a KVM switch?


And this is the latest pic i have of whole setup. Of course that pic is old too since now i have new/different printer.

its quite different from what I expected, I thought it might be like the wii setups I see in some TV adverts.

its generally similar to what I have here, but my setup is more minimalist, just monitor, speakers, mouse, keyboard. and my table is very basic and minimal: a simple MDF table that I made myself to be minimal in size: just a rectangle of MDF with 4 legs attached. but I have my tower in a different room, with cables through the plasterboard wall to this room, that way I get total silence. I have the printer in another room, where I print via wireless.

is that a second tower on the left encased in the desk? the gizmo in front of the printer, is that a modem?
the item below the keyboard is what?

those 6 controls at the front of the main PC under the orange lights are what?

this guy has a headphone stand!
Pretty much, since there is no good search function to search monitors based on their contrast ratio. I need to check the contrast ratio from monitor official specs + validate it from reputable review, IF there is a reputable review to be read in the first place.

The 4500:1 i linked above is AOC Gaming Q27G3XMN,
where official specs say it has 4000:1, link:
but reputable review says it has 4508:1 native and 9613:1 with local dimming, review:

Did find another monitor as well: Gigabyte G27QC,
where official specs say it has 4000:1, link:
but reputable review says it has 4961:1 native but no local dimming, review:
amazon UK:

So, there's that. Main issue is, that many monitors doesn't have reputable review for me to validate the contrast ratio manufacturer says it to be. E.g the 4000:1 i linked above, ViewSonic VX2718-2KPC-MHD, doesn't have reputable review of it and i can't tell for sure if it is 4000:1, more than 4000:1 or less than 4000:1. But for sure it has 2500:1 or more, since it's VA panel monitor.

Of course, contrast ratio alone isn't everything. If you were to compare the AOC and Gigabyte i linked here, you'll see that Gigabyte is far worse monitor.
In-depth comparison between the two, link:
there is then the question relating to the original topic of touchscreens, and also the question of say active 3D screens.

ie highest contrast for touchscreens and active 3D screens?

I dont know what technologies are used for these 2 kinds of screens?

I think it was 2007 era plus or minus a few years, that when my monitor malfunctioned, they gave me an upgrade authorisation, and I got an ex display passive 3D LG, which is a great monitor, and I decided to stop using it in order to have a functioning 3D monitor. because passive, I can wear the cinema polarized plastic glasses.

I just dont know whether they still make 3D monitors?

I did find whilst following the links in this discussion, the following 3D without glasses monitor:

but that is probably a much higher technology than active 3D.

video from that URL of the colour 3D without glasses:


but the vid doesnt show it being used as a desktop.

in 2011 at the IFA consumer show in Berlin, I saw a Philips 3D without glasses demo, and it was like something from scifi. you could stand anywhere in the room, but had to move a bit left or right and a bit forwards or backwards to the nearest lattice point, and you could see 3D colour without glasses. it seemed to use some kind of diffraction technology. I asked the Philips representatives how much it costs, and they said:
this isnt available to the public!

I decided to go there again the next day to have a closer look, but the show had ended that previous day!
first thing is the transparent panel is hinged. all 3 towers I have used before didnt have hinged panels.
Yes, this adds a lot of practicality to the PC case. Hence why i considered Enthoo Pro as my PC case as well (among other things). My Corsair 760T V2 Black also has it's side panel hinged. Both of them. It's far easier to service the PC when side panel opens like a door, rather than being held in place by screws.

the fan is visible in that photo which I think you said I should junk.
Well, i can already tell by the fan blades that it is the airflow fan, since it has big caps between the blades. Also, blades are narrow, despite it having quite a bit of those.

Unbox your Noctua fan and compare those fan blades to the Phanteks stock fan. I'm sure you'll see obvious difference.

not sure if I should use those? I bought a standalone panel for a 5.25" bay
Really up to you. Your MoBo has plenty of internal USB headers that you can connect them all to MoBo.

lastly a photo of the components box and its contents. that box is visible in the 2nd photo and just visible in the 3rd photo where it was attached inside the tower:
Phanteks is one of the very few case manufacturers who have sorted the included screws and ships them in a sturdy plastic box. Makes it very convenient to make sense between different screws and house the leftover ones (or use the box for something else).

I make sure nobody paints the radiators! in Britain people often will paint their radiators, which I think is a bad idea as that reduces the heat radiated! they also paint over door handles, hinges, everything.
Old cast iron (Soviet era) radiators we had, were painted over by people a lot. New radiators we now have, have factory coating on them (they look white) and no-one is painting those. As of painting door handles, that's bizarre. No-one does that here. But door hinges can have paint on them in older (Soviet era) homes. New homes don't have paint on hinges, since from time-to-time, need to tighten the hinge screws, especially when door isn't on level plain anymore due to it's weight and time.

the vinyl might be a problem also, as I got some static charge when unboxing to the vinyl floor.
Vinyl is basically a plastic (made from PVC) and doesn't conduct electricity. So, when you walk on it, you create friction and build up the charge in you, with no path for the charge to escape. So, when you eventually touch something grounded, you'll get ESD.

Usually PVC pipe with cotton cloth is used to create easy ESD for demonstration. So, in terms of ESD creation, PVC is among the top materials. So, avoid walking on vinyl (PVC), especially wearing socks (cotton socks are worst in terms of ESD).

with ebay also, brand names sell much better, unbranded items can be unsellable on ebay.
Brand name usually has a reputation to it and many people know about the reputation (be it good or bad), so, people can expect what they are getting. No-name or unknown brands doesn't sell well, since people doesn't know what to expect. Simple as that.

I may try testing the current machine also.
Yes, you can bench your current PC as well, to see how it fares. This way, you can tell easily the performance uplift from current (old) PC to a new PC.

For CPU testing, you can use Cinebench 2024. It will give numerical "score" for a CPU.

The 2024 version also includes GPU benchmark, while predecessor (Cinebench R23) only had CPU bench. Still, i suggest that you use Cinebench to test only CPU and for GPU, use Unigine.
Of course, there are other CPU benchmark programs as well, like AIDA64 and Prime95.

For RAM testing, there is memtest86,

It takes TON of time to test RAM. So, unless you don't have issues with RAM, not much point to waste time testing RAM.

For Samsung drives, there is built-in benchmark in the Samsung Magician software,

For other drives, including HDDs (and Samsung drives too), you can use CrystalDiskMark to bench those,

And that's about it when it comes to benchmarking PC hardware. Of course, there are other benchmark programs as well, like 3DMark. Also, some games have their own, in-game benchmark program as well, to test how well the PC handles that specific game.

you dont play games for 16 hours at a time?
Used to but not anymore. Have other stuff to do as well.

I was thinking of the wii users they show in tv adverts. I thought you might have some 2m high video screen, and would be standing at a distance jumping around with some wii kind of gizmo!

ie where you might have 1 zone for playing games, and a different computer for desktop use.
That sounds like VR setup. And no, i don't have VR setup. Though, missus did ask about it at some point. Then again, we don't have that much space in our flat, where to freely swing our arms around. Our home is filled with stuff + we now have doggo as well.

this guy has a headphone stand!
Well, yeah. It's an option one can have. And that headset stand is part of my Corsair peripherals ecosystem, which, among other things, has programmable and addressable LEDs at it's base. Oh, USB 3.0 type-A port as well. Missus'es PC also has the very same headset stand.
Heck, i even have ARGB mouse pad (Corsair MM800 Polaris). 🤣

Her setup is just behind mine, in the same room (in our home office).

Pic was taken where i gifted her the matching chair for her PC. Also, rolled my chair next to hers, to showcase both of our chairs.


I only have night shot where her headset stand is showing (left side of the screen).


ie highest contrast for touchscreens and active 3D screens?

I dont know what technologies are used for these 2 kinds of screens?
3D monitors are such a niche market that not many are around. And those that are around, are in development phase.

Did find one 32" version of 3D monitor,

It looks bulky and beefy like old CRT monitor.
Now, i don't know enough about 3D monitors to talk about those. Since like i said, niche market. But my guess would be that they are going to cost so much, that normal person isn't able to afford one. So, essentially a toy for the rich.
the mobo wasnt delivered yesterday, even though DHL said it arrived at their depot before midday yesterday, and said scheduled to arrive yesterday! I waited around all day till 10pm, I could have gone shopping and could have collected those 2 extenders for HDMI and USB4.

right now the DHL tracking says I am their 71st delivery today, and they have reached #49 at the moment.

Yes, this adds a lot of practicality to the PC case. Hence why i considered Enthoo Pro as my PC case as well (among other things). My Corsair 760T V2 Black also has it's side panel hinged. Both of them. It's far easier to service the PC when side panel opens like a door, rather than being held in place by screws.
one further difference is the Phantek has airflow through the top surface, all my other towers were solid surface at the top, with no airflow possible. the Phantek idea makes sense, hot air rises, so best to allow it out at the top!

Well, i can already tell by the fan blades that it is the airflow fan, since it has big caps between the blades. Also, blades are narrow, despite it having quite a bit of those.

Unbox your Noctua fan and compare those fan blades to the Phanteks stock fan. I'm sure you'll see obvious difference.

Really up to you. Your MoBo has plenty of internal USB headers that you can connect them all to MoBo.
I'll start with that external header you recommended, and then see what headers are unused, and whether the tower's built in ones are up to the mark.

Phanteks is one of the very few case manufacturers who have sorted the included screws and ships them in a sturdy plastic box. Makes it very convenient to make sense between different screws and house the leftover ones (or use the box for something else).

Old cast iron (Soviet era) radiators we had, were painted over by people a lot. New radiators we now have, have factory coating on them (they look white) and no-one is painting those.
the one in your photo looks like a convector radiator, which is the modern idea.

the old radiators just radiated. modern radiators technically arent radiators but are convectors, where they have an array of metal fins at the back or between 2 panels, where heat goes to the fins via conduction and then heats the air which rises to heat the room by passive convection.

these are much more efficient. I originally modernised my central heating boiler around 2004, and the house was still cold. then I replaced all the radiators with convectors, which cost £1400 all inclusive parts and labour, and now the house became really hot!

radiation from a radiator is highly inefficient, electric element radiators also very inefficient, convection much more efficient.

some air conditioners can also heat, where it is active convection because fan assisted convection. but air conditioners are usually near the ceiling, which is efficient for cooling but inefficient for heating, as hot air rises, and cold air descends, because hotter air has a lower density, the principle of hot air balloons.

As of painting door handles, that's bizarre. No-one does that here. But door hinges can have paint on them in older (Soviet era) homes. New homes don't have paint on hinges, since from time-to-time, need to tighten the hinge screws, especially when door isn't on level plain anymore due to it's weight and time.

the thing I learnt when I did a bit of such things, is to use masking tape. you put masking tape over the hinges, and handles: best to remove a door handle, then say varnish or paint, then reattach the handle when dry, similarly to remove the door to paint or varnish, and dont paint or varnish around the hinge area.

if you paint near radiators, to encase the radiator with a dust sheet, also to cover the floor with something eg a tarpaulin or dust sheet in case of paint splashes, cover everything eg shelves.

some professional painters will remove the radiator, to paint behind it, then reattach the radiator.

they should bring in a standard qualification for things like decorating, like say a driving license for driving, where they have a syllabus, which includes not painting over such things!

Vinyl is basically a plastic (made from PVC) and doesn't conduct electricity. So, when you walk on it, you create friction and build up the charge in you, with no path for the charge to escape. So, when you eventually touch something grounded, you'll get ESD.

Usually PVC pipe with cotton cloth is used to create easy ESD for demonstration. So, in terms of ESD creation, PVC is among the top materials. So, avoid walking on vinyl (PVC), especially wearing socks (cotton socks are worst in terms of ESD).

Brand name usually has a reputation to it and many people know about the reputation (be it good or bad), so, people can expect what they are getting. No-name or unknown brands doesn't sell well, since people doesn't know what to expect. Simple as that.
also if its unknown, you dont know it is bad!

with known brands, if you have a bad experience, in future you dont buy that brand, but if its an unknown brand, you might buy again without realising!

eg I bought a monitor once by Packard Bell, which was great in the shop, but because my computer is total silence by being in a different room, at home the monitor made a continual sound from the transformer. I then got a refund, and am wary of Packard Bell for monitors.

I have used monitors over the years by LG, Samsung, Acer, Philips CRT and TFT, and all were totally silent.

I bought some tesco's supermarket own brand AA batteries once, and a few months later they had corroded!

I buy Tescos own brand for other things, eg organic milk, and might buy Packard Bell for other things, but I wont buy another battery from Tescos own brand or a monitor from Packard Bell.

Yes, you can bench your current PC as well, to see how it fares. This way, you can tell easily the performance uplift from current (old) PC to a new PC.

For CPU testing, you can use Cinebench 2024. It will give numerical "score" for a CPU.

The 2024 version also includes GPU benchmark, while predecessor (Cinebench R23) only had CPU bench. Still, i suggest that you use Cinebench to test only CPU and for GPU, use Unigine.
Of course, there are other CPU benchmark programs as well, like AIDA64 and Prime95.

For RAM testing, there is memtest86,

It takes TON of time to test RAM. So, unless you don't have issues with RAM, not much point to waste time testing RAM.

For Samsung drives, there is built-in benchmark in the Samsung Magician software,

For other drives, including HDDs (and Samsung drives too), you can use CrystalDiskMark to bench those,

And that's about it when it comes to benchmarking PC hardware. Of course, there are other benchmark programs as well, like 3DMark. Also, some games have their own, in-game benchmark program as well, to test how well the PC handles that specific game.
I will study this to benchmark the 2010 machine later

Used to but not anymore. Have other stuff to do as well.
you grew up?

do you read books at all?

as a kid I read a lot of fiction books, but nowadays I dont read fiction, just books on things like health, wealth, specific historical things, psychological topics eg I read a fascinating book on language learning which said eg that say you learn german, most british people will use a german-english + english-german dictionary. the guy said you shouldnt do that, you should only use a german-german dictionary, I tried that, getting the Duden dictionary which all germans use, and he was spot on. it actually took me some time to be even able to use the german-german dictionary, because it followed a complicated system, which was explained in german! I did use a german-english dictionary a bit to get off the ground only using german-german. german-english dictionaries dont work because english to german is a many to many relation. apart from basic nouns, the only way to understand a german word properly is from a german to german dictionary. even basic verbs dont translate, eg laufen can be walk, run, flow. in english we say a "running tap" and "running water" but the germans use "laufen" in the sense of "walking". I realised this when a german started saying to me in english about water walking! in english water doesnt walk, it runs or flows!

for fiction, I only read comics.

I dont read many books, just every now and then. at the moment I am gradually reading a book on a specialised maths topic, where I did an undergrad course on that topic.

That sounds like VR setup. And no, i don't have VR setup. Though, missus did ask about it at some point. Then again, we don't have that much space in our flat, where to freely swing our arms around. Our home is filled with stuff + we now have doggo as well.

my place even less space than what your photos suggest, as I eventually bought too much stuff. But have stopped hoarding, and am gradually disposing of stuff.

Well, yeah. It's an option one can have. And that headset stand is part of my Corsair peripherals ecosystem, which, among other things, has programmable and addressable LEDs at it's base. Oh, USB 3.0 type-A port as well. Missus'es PC also has the very same headset stand.

I didnt even know headphone stands existed!

Heck, i even have ARGB mouse pad (Corsair MM800 Polaris). 🤣
one bit of luxury worth getting is a handshake mouse, cost me some £100, but it has a replacement policy, any problem and they'll replace it with new. the mouse was locked in a display case! and the salesman didnt know how to get it out, he also thought it used AAA batteries! from this I know I was the only person who had bought one!

its an "MX Vertical", and I think it uses bluetooth, and charges via USB C cable, where it has power saving and the charge lasts for weeks, I try to switch it off when I boot down the computer to make it last even longer. when I first bought it, I left it on permanently and I think the charge lasted weeks.

it has an led to warn when the charge is low.

Her setup is just behind mine, in the same room (in our home office).

Pic was taken where i gifted her the matching chair for her PC. Also, rolled my chair next to hers, to showcase both of our chairs.


I only have night shot where her headset stand is showing (left side of the screen).


3D monitors are such a niche market that not many are around. And those that are around, are in development phase.

Did find one 32" version of 3D monitor,

It looks bulky and beefy like old CRT monitor.
Now, i don't know enough about 3D monitors to talk about those. Since like i said, niche market. But my guess would be that they are going to cost so much, that normal person isn't able to afford one. So, essentially a toy for the rich.
one question is whether they handle the 2D desktop also!

I dont know if one would be able to tilt the angle of the desktop plane for that.

both seem to suggest $5000 which is about £4000. may be worth it but not as a toy, I'll wait for the technology to stabilise and competition to hot up, and prices to come down. I think its a better use of money than say £2000 on the 4090 graphics card or £10000 on a server grade CPU!

if I had gotten the Godlike and 4090, that would be some extra £2900 which is most of £4000.

also you need a 3D camcorder to augment that, and the software or hardware to play your 3D home vids on the system.

my panasonic box is a bluray 3D recorder (some £500), and my 50" panasonic TV (some £800) is active 3D. but I only have a small amount of 3D stuff to play eg the London 2012 Olympic highlights each day were broadcast in 3D, where each I think is 1 hour. I also have the closing ceremony in 3D. I installed the machine on the day of the opening ceremony, and tuned into the wrong channel which was HD only, rather than HD 3D.

I also have a Wimbledon of either 2012 or 2013 in 3D. the BBC eventually stopped broadcasting 3D, I think the BBC 3 channel was the channel broadcasting 3D in 2012.

I will try to get a 3D camcorder first, which should be a much lower price, and use that with the Panasonic 3D box and TV.

what would be interesting also would be a 3D dashcam.

with Teslas, I think these were over £45000, then eventually peugeot had an EV for £34000, several months ago Tesla dropped their price to £20000.

but I am planning to get a 2nd hand hybrid which is maybe 2 years old, unless that is too expensive.
one further difference is the Phantek has airflow through the top surface, all my other towers were solid surface at the top, with no airflow possible. the Phantek idea makes sense, hot air rises, so best to allow it out at the top!
Top exhaust is de facto at current date. And better designed PC cases (like your Enthoo Pro and my 760T and 750D) also can have bottom intake.

the one in your photo looks like a convector radiator, which is the modern idea.
That it is.

We used to have cast iron radiators here when we moved to our flat. But in 2018, the apartment association we have, renovated the whole apartment building (insulation work mainly), but within that renovation, entire central heating system was also replaced and modernized. Thus, we got the new, convector radiators.

the thing I learnt when I did a bit of such things, is to use masking tape.
Been there, done that. Used to work as a plasterer/ house painter and decorator, so, i know how it's done. It's one of the entries in my "jack of all trades" portfolio. :)

you grew up?
Not quite. Instead, there is more in my life than there used to be. E.g one example: doggo (he is 2.5 years now).
I still play PC games, but casually nowadays.

Oh, i try to keep replying to your off-topic discussions at minimal, since this topic is very close to be closed for good. As long as the talks are about PC hardware or anything to do with PCs (e.g brands), we should be good. Other stuff does not quite belong in this topic.

with known brands, if you have a bad experience, in future you dont buy that brand, but if its an unknown brand, you might buy again without realising!
In today's modern world where many have access to internet, best is to read reputable review of the said product, to know if the product (or brand as a whole) can be trusted.

A brand that i haven't bought by myself, but know well based on reviews of their products, to avoid buying, is: Razer.
Razer makes PC peripherals: KB, mice and the like. Razer products, while popular for some reason (have no idea why) are plagued with software and hardware issues. I still wonder, why people are still buying Razer products, when it's known well that their products have issues. I guess too much marketing is behind it with catchy looks.

I didnt even know headphone stands existed!
Well, where else i'm supposed to house my headset when it isn't resting on top of my head. :cheese:

Btw, on one of the pics (3rd one, where headset stand is also seen), you can see my Kingston USB thumb drive hanging on the monitor. There is small plastic piece built-in to my monitor, that slides out. It is actually meant for hanging headsets but i repurposed it to hold my USB thumb drive.

one bit of luxury worth getting is a handshake mouse
These are known as vertical mice. Too niche for my taste. Though, those who have it, swore by it. So, can't really tell if those are really that much better than conventional mice.

one question is whether they handle the 2D desktop also!
Monitor should handle it just fine. But it's the GPU job to provide the image. So, i guess one needs quite a beefy GPU in order to render the image in 3D. Unless there is some from of 3D compute unit inside the monitor itself, that renders the 2D into 3D. If it is, it will add latency, whereby the 3D effect can be nice for watching pics/movies, but for gaming use, it would be too slow (too high of a latency).
I am still waiting for the mobo, very disappointed with DHL, and their complaints procedure number doesnt allow for complaints, just eg tracking etc. I'm going to complain to the ombudsman and the seller (morecoco) about DHL.

they said they'd deliver yesterday, where it arrived at the local depot before midday yesterday, and it wasnt delivered, today their delivery progress was stuck at #63 for more than 2 hours. its now gone 8pm and no time now to collect the cables from the amazon locker, and no time to shop.

Top exhaust is de facto at current date. And better designed PC cases (like your Enthoo Pro and my 760T and 750D) also can have bottom intake.
I checked just now and it has
In today's modern world where many have access to internet, best is to read reputable review of the said product, to know if the product (or brand as a whole) can be trusted.
the thing is sometimes one forgets. I think when fatigued, one makes mistakes. also where you dont expect there to be a problem, you dont check reviews. eg one doesnt expect a PSU to be problematic. Now of course I know different.

A brand that i haven't bought by myself, but know well based on reviews of their products, to avoid buying, is: Razer.
Razer makes PC peripherals: KB, mice and the like. Razer products, while popular for some reason (have no idea why) are plagued with software and hardware issues. I still wonder, why people are still buying Razer products, when it's known well that their products have issues. I guess too much marketing is behind it with catchy looks.

Well, where else i'm supposed to house my headset when it isn't resting on top of my head. :cheese:

left somewhere taking up too much space!

Btw, on one of the pics (3rd one, where headset stand is also seen), you can see my Kingston USB thumb drive hanging on the monitor. There is small plastic piece built-in to my monitor, that slides out. It is actually meant for hanging headsets but i repurposed it to hold my USB thumb drive.
I did notice that, but wasnt 100% sure what it was.

These are known as vertical mice. Too niche for my taste. Though, those who have it, swore by it. So, can't really tell if those are really that much better than conventional mice.
its worth the money, BECAUSE if you place your hand on the desk naturally on the palm edge of the little finger, that position of the hand is almost identical to the position to hold the handshake mouse, so it is super ergonomic. whereas with ordinary mice, you have to rotate your right hand anticlockwise, maybe 40 degrees. left hand would need a mirror image of this mouse.

to mitigate the high cost PCWorld has a replacement policy, not sure if that is a logitech policy.

Monitor should handle it just fine. But it's the GPU job to provide the image. So, i guess one needs quite a beefy GPU in order to render the image in 3D. Unless there is some from of 3D compute unit inside the monitor itself, that renders the 2D into 3D. If it is, it will add latency, whereby the 3D effect can be nice for watching pics/movies, but for gaming use, it would be too slow (too high of a latency).
I'll get a 3D camcorder first. The high cost of those 3D monitors means I need to be sure I will use it sufficiently to justify the cost. I'd prefer to see one directly before purchasing.

there's no point paying $5000 if you only use it 3x a year, but if you often use it and the experience is good it may be worth it.

I can view 3D films on the Panasonic active 3D TV currently, that may be sufficient, and that is also a large screen, 50". the other thing I might get is a 3D projector, I think Epson did some interesting ones, but currently all my walls are used up with shelves or cupboards.

the ceiling has light bulbs in the way, so would need to be a freestanding screen.

there is then the question of touchscreen 2D monitors, eg my HP laptop has an inbuilt one, although one problem is the screen gets smudged with fingerprints. also with ebay auctions, it sometimes launches a bid when I havent "clicked" the screen.

I suppose you cant use a laptop's screen as a monitor for another PC?
for people buying from partpicker, dont use morecoco, I tried complaining to them by email, and the email was instantly returned undeliverable, this is unacceptable customer support.

their DHL delivery looks like it will fail for the 2nd day, and DHL are dubious where their complaints phone number doesnt have a complaints option! only relevant option is tracking, no customer service people.

I have stayed at home all day, yesterday and today, with nothing delivered, I am going to request a refund on the mobo and buy from a different seller, because I cant just keep shunting it further into the future, I MUST GO SHOPPING TOMORROW, and its unacceptable to reschedule further, what if that keeps being delayed and delayed?

here is a screenshot of what their tracking URL said this morning:
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