Question AE Showing on my Motherboard Screen .. how i can solve it ?

BolBol Egypt

May 15, 2019
My Computer Configuration is :
AMD 1950x Ryzen Thridrubber
Motherboard x399 Gigabyte Gaming 7
Ram 128 GB Corsair
VGA 2080 8GB
SSD M.2 Samsung 512GB
3 HDDs
Cooling NZXT Krakn72x

i have error always when i restart my Machine appear in Screen on Board named : AE
if i stop machine and porwer is off no porwer is connect ... then .... back power and hit power start ... error is gone
i don't know what's wrong

My Motherboard is updated BIOS to F11
hope to find repair for my problem
AE debug code on Gigabyte MoBos means:"Boot to legacy OS".

Make sure that your OS drive is operating as it should. Also, if you run 2x OSes, the issue could be with one of them. In this or any case, OS reinstall usually fixes the "AE" error. But 1st, pull the CMOS battery to clear CMOS.