After installing CPU, ram slot doesn't work anymore!


Nov 21, 2016
This is my motherboard: MS-7680 (

Hey, so recently I bought used CPU & GPU (i5-2500k & GTX 760), used to own i3-2130 & GTX 560. When I installed the CPU and the GPU, I tried to start the PC, but it wouldn't, only fans would start spinning for like 5 seconds and then it would turn off and keep repeating on a loop. So I tried almost everything: resetting cmos, rewiring psu, trying it with my old gpu, until I've got it to the ram, I removed one stick and it booted up. I have two DDR3 ram sticks (one is 4gb, other one is 2gb).
And I've tried playing with them, I noticed, that only the 4gb and only in one of the ram slots is working. I tried to boot up the pc with the 2gb stick in the working slot, failed. Tried in both ram slots, the pc wouldn't boot up with the 2gbs, but when I tried with the 4gb stick, only one of the ram slots would let the pc boot. Open this picture so you could see which one of the slots lets the pc boot and which doesn't, ( When it doesn't, the fans spins for 5 seconds and stop and keeps repeating.

edit: could it be the bios? I didn't try updating it before installing the CPU, willing that the current version would be enough.
If one slot fails after CPU install, most common cause is bent pins at CPU socket. However, that would not explain why 2gb stick would not work at working slot - unless, somehow, this stick died in the meantime.
BIOS question - if it POSTs normally with 4gb stick, then probably BIOS version is not a problem.
If one slot fails after CPU install, most common cause is bent pins at CPU socket. However, that would not explain why 2gb stick would not work at working slot - unless, somehow, this stick died in the meantime.
BIOS question - if it POSTs normally with 4gb stick, then probably BIOS version is not a problem.
Yeah, you were right, it seemed that a CPU (maybe even a few) socket pin on the mobo were bent. Tried to unbent it, then none of the ram were working, the PC just kept restarting, making restarting noises, even though it showed the vision on the monitor, I still knew, that it was wrong and shouldn't be as that. Tried unbenting many times, failed like 10 times or so, usually got it to work only on one slot, gave up and went to sleep. Next day (which is today), tried unbenting it again, managed to make the other ram slot work, but the other one (which was working before) didn't work anymore 😀. Then I bricked my mobo again, so it kept restarting, didn't matter which slot was occupied, after a few hours, I managed to unbent it somehow straight enough, so it could read from the CPU and now both ram slots are working. Invested many hours, eventually it finally paid off, gosh, that was a bummer. Thanks @DRagor for suggesting one of the possible reasons why the ram slot didn't work. Cheers!