After many years of Nvidia VS 3dfx, ......



I have concluded that the last decent video card made was the V3, both the V5 and the Geforce have to many problems

So, the best video card for speed in the largest variety of games with hassel free usuage is the V3, I conclude this from the view point as a competitive gamer who wants real world perforance in what matters, smooth trouble free game play. not meaningless benchmarks or this card has this and this one does not.

I will not go into this any further as everyone will just want to pick apart anything I say and start a retarded flame war on something that really does not matter

The V3 was the last good card made, Thats my opinion, and it is pretty much the reality of things today


Former Staff
You fail to realize that the reason the V3 has worked good for you so far is that most games have been written for Glide, especially older ones. But it is obvious that D3D has supplanted Glide in the industry. So, eventually, new games will make Glide seem useless! Newer video cards supply superior graphics, we just haven't seen too many games yet that utilize this technology fully. A game written with full optomization for both will show that Glide has become outdated. I just haven't seen any yet!


yup I am aware of the death of glide and I have thought about that in my opinion, actually, I don't really play any glide games infact. Don't play UT. the only expection is I still play Quake2, since I use the AMD/3dFX version of Quake2, I guess it would be safe to assume that it's glide optimized :)

Now I know toms and a few others like to think it's a glide VS OpenGl world, but of course all of us really know, like it or not, the world is D3D


I'm actually the opposite. I only play Diablo II most of the time and using GlideAPI allows for more special effects than DirectX. I have 2 machines networked running the D2 (2 different licenses) and the special effects and lighting are better with Glide. All my other games are simulation games that I play in lower res so true FSAA is more important to me. Not interested in any FPS games.

I also do a lot of VC++ software development at 1600x1200 and the GeForce cards can't match the Voodoo cards for 2D text quality.


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