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Hi John,
"John Bailey" <> wrote in message news:_VmYc.80250$Fg5.27331@attbi_s53...
| When I launch Age of Mythology, Titans expansion, I get the message
| "Initialization Failed" and the game aborts.
| The original Age of Mythology works fine and the Titans expansion used to
| work with no problems. I've uninstalled and reinstalled both games but the
| problem is still there. Any ideas?
The Initialization failed error may occur if one or more of the following conditions are true:
a.. Your video card does not meet the minimum system requirements of Age of Mythology.
b.. Your video card is incompatible with Age of Mythology.
c.. Your version of DirectX is corrupted or out of date.
d.. You have multiple video adapters installed on your computer.
e.. The Screen Size (resolution) setting is too high for your video adapter.
To resolve this issue, use the methods in this article, in the same order in
which they're presented: and
Try updating your Video drivers using the instructions at:
Cheers, Windows XP MVP Shell / User
Jimmy S.
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