Question aida 64 stress test...


Nov 29, 2018
Hello all.

I have been having issue with my new build. From kmode BS, hardware failure BS etc. Crashes during some games and sometimes crashes while watching movies on my rig. I had no idea what in the hell was going on. Well today for the first time I ran aida 64.

not even 1 minute into the CPU stress test it stops and gives me an error "Warning: Hardware failure detected Test stopped"

So I am assuming its either the CPU or the AIO from Lian li (galahad trinity II 360.

any ideas??

Gaming Rig 1:
Ryzen 7 7800X3D
Gigabyte X670E Aorus Pro X
Trident Z5 32gb DDR5 6400
RX 7800 XT
Corsair 850 PSU

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memtest86+ is its own micro operating system that runs entirely in RAM and goes away when you don't boot to it. You create something like a bootable thumb drive (you can actually install it as a boot target if you want), boot to it, and run memory tests on it. Usually for a day or so, but often if there is an issue, then you'll know after a few hours. This tests the basic function and especially tests the memory. Not much power is used, so not much heat or stress is applied to the system. If this fails, then very likely it is a RAM issue.

In the case of a repeating issue at a given memory address, I would consider that a "smoking gun" evidence. If there is a random memory address error multiple times, then perhaps it is a power supply issue (slightly low power voltages can change the reliability of RAM). If there is no error, then you can conclude that the CPU and RAM is very likely good. If there is an error that is not a memory error, meaning one in which the system shuts down or locks up while in memtest86+, then it is something more serious.

Related to this, if you have multiple RAM sticks, then you could try them one at a time (just make sure you use the correct slot for single stick), and this would not require memtest86+. Even so, if there is a memory error, then one stick at a time in memtest86+ might show a specific stick is bad. If there is a memory issue when multiple sticks are present, but not when a single stick is used (for all sticks one at a time), then it is likely an issue of interaction between unmatched RAM sticks.

After that you probably have to go to more expensive methods, e.g., trying a new power supply. Perhaps it is also something attached to the computer, e.g., external disk drives or cameras can consume significant power over USB, and I'd try to eliminate everything you don't need and seeing if it still fails (provided memtest86+ didn't have an issue).


Nov 29, 2018
i will try removing a stick and see what happens. I will also disconnect any anything not needed via USB.

nothing is OC'd. Everything in the computer is about 6 months old. Bios is up to date.

could it be the galahad? idk man

plus my CPU temps under load don't go past 84c.

is 850watt good for this build? I went to a site forgot what it is called that you put in all your hardware and see what psu is recommended. it came in at 650 needed. thx
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Nov 29, 2018
right now just typing here cpu is at 55c. gpu is at 49c.

under load CPU avg 86-89 and the GPU avg 65

FYI the only thing that was changed was downgrading from win 11 to win 10 thinking it was win 11.
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Nov 29, 2018
actually i do have expo enabled. what test would you like for me to run?
running aida again and now it is not stopping less than a minute in. but this time I only have the stress CPU only checked. last tine I had stress CPU, fpu and system memory. after that is done I will do only system memory see what happens. maybe it is the memory. expo has been disabled.
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