Question Air conditioner causing coil whine on CORSAIR RM1200x SHIFT?


Jul 16, 2014
I've had the title's PSU for 5 months. Since the start of summer well, ACs must be used sometimes...

However, unlike my previous Corsair AX860 (from +7 years and i don't have anymore, sadly, coz i sold it) , whenever some AC in the house is started the PSU, even if the PC has been turned off and +30 mins have passed and still powered off, the bastard coil whines out...

I thought for a moment that it could be because of bad wiring between power socket and PSU , or PC components to the PSU or something, but everything's tightly plugged in. Never happened 5 months ago. All other power sockets on the walls from my room and other places does the same (Note that the only cable connected on the PSU during this is the power one, not carrying the entire tower around...)

The noise is the following. Note that my ears are sensitive so the noise is mind perforating and not good at all. Also audio might differ some..



The question is: Would there be anything i should check around the house or whatever to make sure the PSU's coil whine shuts up forever?...
The question is: Would there be anything i should check around the house or whatever to make sure the PSU's coil whine shuts up forever?...
It won't go away. May always be present. It occurs when there is electric current passed through components like inductors in a PSU. Can also happen on a GPU.

As the current passes through, the coils can resonate which cause the whine. In some cases, like GPU coil whine, you can decrease the noise by capping FPS. For PSU's there's not much to do. Given it's only 5 months old, I'd RMA it and get a new one. Coil whine is not dangerous, and will not damage your components. It's just bloody annoying. You could also look at some audio insulation for your case to reduce the effect.