Question All games bluescreen my pc suddenly with no fix after hours of diagnostics


May 3, 2019
Nvidia 3080ti
Intel I9700k with corsair hydro water cooler fitted
Asus TUF Z390-Plus Gaming
Corsair HX1000 platinum PSU

So onto the issue, any game, lets use payday 3 as an example since ive been testing it, as soon as i get into the game my monitors start flickering and i see corruption before both monitors turn off and then a bluescreen follows or sometimes just entirely freezes with nothing i can do to prevent it. Ive inspected the GPU and reseated it entirely, ive run DDU and installed stable gpu drivers, ive run all sorts of diagnostics and come up wiht precisely nothing, Event View lists a hardware fault with the code of 141 and 117 each time. I have no other machines to test my GPU in, and no spare PSUs to test with either. I am out of ideas and considering an entirely new pc at this stage.
I have an update, ive discovered that for no apparent reason, my GPU temps are skyrocketing as soon as i open anything, and after some undervolting and power limiting its still happening, but im not crashing straight up anymore. Im gonna remove the card and attempt to deep clean
maybe the thermal paste inside it is gone. If it's out of warranty date limit, then re-apply it by yourself carefully. Otherwise, send it to warranty.
Its funny you said that, two other people i was workign with think its the lack of paste too, but the cards only 2 years old, it would be odd for the paste to just be gone, but i shall check warrenty once i find the receipt for it.
I agree to check your warranty first. It may be best if you decide to repaste your graphic card if you can on another PC to watch a You Tube video on how to correctly clean and repaste an NVIDIA 3080Ti Graphic Card. You may need to reset the Motherboard CMOS by removing the CMOS board battery replace the battery after a few minutes then reinstall your graphic card after completing the repaste procedure check that all power connections are secure at the PSU and the graphic card before you turn on your PSU and see if the motherboard will POST. If it will POST check the GPU temps in the BIOS. Please advise if you have any issues or questions. There are people here who are very knowledgeable with this procedure.
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That’s a rough one—kind of sounds like the GPU is having an existential crisis mid-game. Have you checked if the PSU is actually delivering stable power under load?

Maybe thermal throttling or VRAM issues?

Also, did you try underclocking slightly just to see if stability improves, or is the system fully committed to chaos mode?
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Undervolting allowed the GPU to not instantly overheat for a little longer but the temp spikes are still immediate, even manually changing the fan curve didnt stop it from dying like that. i have some screenshots i took of the sensors whilst it was loading up a game. This was literally within 5 seconds of the game loading up, it would then corrupt and my pc would shut down.
Undervolting allowed the GPU to not instantly overheat for a little longer but the temp spikes are still immediate, even manually changing the fan curve didnt stop it from dying like that. i have some screenshots i took of the sensors whilst it was loading up a game. This was literally within 5 seconds of the game loading up, it would then corrupt and my pc would shut down.
temperatures looks fine and is within specs
random review of your suprim x shows same temperatures
those temps would be fine if it was under very heavy load, but the chip hits max temp instantly upon loading up any 3D game, and it doesnt cool down before it entirely crashes, ive monitored it multiple times now. temps like this id expect to see after hours not seconds of max load. at this point its either open the card up and clean it and paste, or find the warrenty and attempt to send it back for the repair.