All games suddenly became very laggy


Nov 3, 2012
Hi guys,
few days ago I noticed that Rise of the Tomb Raider became significantly laggier on my pc. Where I had 40FPS before, now only 10-15FPS.

I thought this might be because of the new patch which has been released for the game a few days ago, until I noticed that other games like Tomb Raider 2013 and Skyrim became very laggy as well. I do not know what is causing this but I assume that my graphics card is broke or something but I'm not sure, since Cities: Skylines and Minecraft (pretty much just CPU games) are working fine.

Does anyone know how I could find out what the problem is and if possible to fix it?
I managed to fix it by downgrading to the previous gpu driver. Although this is kinda weird since I was using the driver that appeared on the Nvidia website after entering my gpu's model so it wasn't really a "wrong driver". Thanks for the help!
Hello... we use small APPs like GPU-Z to look at what the GPU are doing ( read the DATA log feature/numbers)...
1) as a "simple test" could you run a Windows wei for me and post a pic of the results?
Control panel - performance~tools. B )
2) there could be DX12 problem with a upgrade OR Windows auto upgraded a different driver to your system.
3) loading a "restore point" or "re-load previous driver" will get you back to an earlier "GOOD" setting fast for a test.
I managed to fix it by downgrading to the previous gpu driver. Although this is kinda weird since I was using the driver that appeared on the Nvidia website after entering my gpu's model so it wasn't really a "wrong driver". Thanks for the help!