Question All my 32 bit programs are crashing all the time. 64bit works fine

Mar 19, 2020
I have bought a new motherboard and processor and installed Win10 64 bit Education. For some reason all 64bit apps are working fine, but 32 bit programs crash as soon as I open, with no crash report or error code.
I've tried everything I could so far, /sfc, enabling AppPool, reinstalling OS, enabling XMP
Anyone can help? this is my spec:

-Ryzen 3700x (base clock)
-B450 aorus pro wifi
-Corsair 2133Mhz 8gb
-M.2 Samsung 512gb evo 970 plus

Thanks in advance
What 32bit programs? give us a list.
some windows app is 32bit, do those crash too?
So far:
-Spotify App
-Adobe Reader
-Blizzard app
-Every single game I tried playing (portal2, batman arkham, project cars 2, the witcher 3)
-Gigabyte EasyTune

Windows Apps all seem to run fine (mail, calendar, movies, file explorer)
and you reinstall all these 32bit app?
windows up to date?
since it a new install, do a fresh install again
I did a fresh install 3 times.

Could it be a bad memory stick? I used to have 2x8GB sticks but one of the sticks went bad when my old MB broke, and the other one is the one Im using now.

If nothing else work I'll try to install a 32bit windows partition in my PC
UPDATE: i could not get it fixed no matter how much i've tried ( and i tried everything, multiple reinstalls, new ram, new mobo). So I had to send it to AMD's warranty services (my processor was only 4 months old). They replaced it and now everything works fine (same mobo, ram and everything).